SB throttle spring



Shade Tree Tinker Gnome.....
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
DFW, Texas
Where is the best place to get a replacement throttle return spring for an LA motor?

My spring is of unknown age and isn't pulling the linkage all the way back.

Is this the sort fo thing I can get at the local parts store, or am I going to need to order it?

I bought mine at autozone, it is a double spring, seems to work well, but doesn't look like the original. Seems like it was 10 bucks.

Looks like I'm on my way to the 'Zone. I needed to go there anyway. I hear they have a 1.5" drop shackle for my Dakota.:-D

Thanks guys...
Well the ones around here didn't have anything that would even remotely work. I ended up buying a throttle spring from year One.

It still has issues, even with the new Year one spring.. If you disconnect the kickdown spring, everything is fine, but with that stupid spring attached there is just enough resistance that it doesn't want to pull all the way up. With all of the springs off, everything moves fine and there is no binding.

WTF is going on?
Perhaps a adjutment on the tranny level to adjust the linkage up top.

The throttle arm should be at full rest like you want and contact the lever instantly to move it backwards so pressure is applied, instantly. IF you need alittle extra room, a slight delay in the throttle contacting the tranny linkage is OK, but make this amount of space as small as possible.

No space is best.
Mancini Racing has throttle return kits that come with a dual throttle spring.