Members here and on B bodies have sent me fnf for well over $1000.00 on a single purchase. Or they sent a moneygram. Kim
Yes, Kim, but we know you and Steve are stand-up guys. If I don't know the seller, I'm not risking it. JMHO Your mileage may vary.....
I apologize for what I said DIY. When MY character is questioned, I'll stand up for myself. I'm of poor character cuz of an agreement between 2 consenting people for exchange of parts and money? Gimme a break. I will say that they can pay either way, it's up to them, just add a little extra to cover fees. For me as a buyer I would have to pay a $2.99 CDN fee for using "f n f". So if my purchase is $100 or more it makes sense to pay "f n f" but I know the risks involved. Now if it's under $100 then I may pay "goods and services" and add the extra costs in it's cheaper. 2 consenting adults so gimme a break about character.
its all good