Scat crank thrust bearing killed again

if you are asking me- NO
I see the champher trick is also in the tech doc referenced above
I've made oil pockets with a ball carbide and also cut banana groves diagonal with a dremmel and larger wheel- it's not fussy you just want to smear the face with oil
obviously when loaded all the oil wants to escape through the larger clearance toward the front- can't help that
most failures are crank finish related IMHO
Can’t remember Baxter it was about four years ago or so
I can only assume since you did not answer my question, it is because you do not know what the thrust clearance was, because you did not measure it.
.005 thrust bearing clearance to crank checked with screw driver
.005 thrust bearing clearance to crank checked with screw driver

Still don`t mean they were lined up, u might have a little more clearance if they were. Not lined up can cause them to fail---------
I prefer around .007 myself. < 2 factory hemi`s I had came out with .007 .
I put one together w/ .005 clearance and ruined the crank surface, made sure I got the full travel and lined up from then on, with the chamfered oil grooves and haven`t had a failure since.
Have .006 on this 505-----much as I could get out of it !