Schumacher motor mounts in stock


Matthew Sermini

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2018
Reaction score
Just an FYI, Schumachers 73 and up slant six conversion motor mounts are in. I’ve been calling and calling and I finally got my order yesterday for a slant six to 340/360 conversion.
I've used their mounts on three projects, the latest of which was a /6 to 318 (390) conversion in my 71 Swinger about a year ago.
I haven't been on their web site since, but the "out of stock" syndrome was never an issue for me. over the last 5 or 6 years.
I had paid for a set several months ago when they showed in stock but nothing came. Multiple phone calls with no answer or response to emails. Finally he answered and said they'd be another four weeks. Four weeks and still nothing. I filed a complaint last week with paypal and within 30 minutes I had a response and tracking number.
I've used their mounts on three projects, the latest of which was a /6 to 318 (390) conversion in my 71 Swinger about a year ago.
I haven't been on their web site since, but the "out of stock" syndrome was never an issue for me. over the last 5 or 6 years.
Have they worked well? I’ve been waiting months for them so I don’t have to change k members which would be such a hassle.
Did they just change locations or owners???
Not sure but they have answered my calls every time for the past four months. I’ve called about every two weeks to see the status and it took way too long for them to get the mounts but totally worth it. I’ll post some pics so everyone can see the mounts
Have they worked well? I’ve been waiting months for them so I don’t have to change k members which would be such a hassle.
Yes. Extremely well, though it's best that you also purchase their mounting biscuits with the mounts. They have saved me from having to replace the K members, and all of the unnecessary disassembly of the front suspension ( replacing worn parts notwithstanding). What's more, I've never had an issue with the motor mounts. It is necessary to replace the slant six steering center link, though. The 6 cylinder link interferes with the 8 cylinder oil pan.
Still out of stock on most everything.....and what I need.
Trans Dapt has a slant 6 to V8 kit for 67-72 A bodies , part # 4695 for $65 on Summit Racing. Ship/pickup date is June 22-24. I haven't used it just wanted to share the info.
Are they out of business as rumors says?.
They don't answer phone calls or emails.