Screw Iowa

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Green Bearing thread connoisseur
May 24, 2009
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I got nothing against people from Iowa, y'all been as nice to me as could be and I doubt there's a bad Apple in the bunch.

But Good Lord are your city and county governments some money grubbing bassards.

I've been in Iowa twice in the last year, and each time got nailed with some BS speeding ticket. First time the pig claims I was going 71 in a 55. Uh, it's Iowa, at two in the morning, with deer at every corner, and I'm in a rental. I was keeping it 5-10 under every step of the way. Rotten cops.

Then I got a camera speeding ticket in Sioux City (and these camera tickets have been declared illegal in the state!). Two registered drivers, not a single pic showing who's driving. Bad thing: after the first ticket, I KNOW I was legal. But they call it a civil violation and think it's all good.

I'll never step foot in that state again. We generally spend $3-5k a year on traveling vacations and Iowa just guaranteed they'll never see a dime of that.
hang in there...after they declared the red light cameras illegal where I live the city retroactively nullified all tickets. So you should eventually get something in the mail telling you that it shouldn't have to be paid. I'd check on it anyway just in case to be sure.
I got caught doing 95 MPH coming over a hill. The cop was sitting at the bottom of the long hill. I saw him immediately as I topped the hill and laid on the brakes really hard. After he pulled me over I asked, "What's the problem officer??" He said, "Well son, I got you going 93, 91 and 89 what speed you you like for me to make out the ticket??" I said, "89 sir!!"

That's too bad it happened here. Ya, I have gotten camera tickets in Sioux City too. Ran a changing light driving against the sun. Cedar Rapids has speed cams on 380 going through town and here in Waterloo the PD is going to put up traffic cams at "supposedly" dangerous intersections. It's more for crime prevention but that's ok. Keep coming back but just take it easy.
At least you weren't in Commiefornia.
They just started handing out the fines at the gas pump, 20 cents or so more every gallon.
Your respect for our boys in blue is overwhelming.
act like pig, get treated like and called a pig. fortunately we got some good guys patrolling here in Wisconsin. 4 warnings in the last 3 years for speeding and not one ticket. if they need someone to have their back, I got it.
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