"Search child forums as well" ???



Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2009
Reaction score
I think we need a name change to this statement;
  • Search child forums as well
Its listed in the search forum area...Even if it has a legitimate meaning, it just doesn't look good or sound right. It just sends up red flags. Just my .02
It's just a computer term, and makes perfect sense in this context

Just my 0000 0000 0000 0010 cents ;-)
its a commonly used term with this type of website (forum) and has been used for decades.
It means search the "children" of a certain section of the forum. So all the "sub sections" if you will. Makes perfect sense.
That where I get all my SpongeBob content! My MS2 also has a "daughterboard" yeah, its just a term, but Ill never do an internet search on it.
When I first got interested in radio / electronics, in Jr High I was explaining to a friend about some hook up, and was talking about a "male" or "female" connector. My mother, who nothing of this stuff, chastised me about it. I had to show her in my Allied radio catalogue "that is how it's done."

N' yeh, 1963 was just about "when"----I would have been 15
