Seattle Mopars Unlimited Car Show

Spent yesterday washing and clay barring the dart getting it ready for the show today. Son-in-law got here about 8 am, we jump in the dart and head to the show. Only made it about 1 1/2 miles from the house before the electric fuel pump decided to stop working. :angryfir:

So after walking back to the house we go to wally world and get a tow strap to tow the old girl home. On to NAPA for a new pump and some new fuel line.

Had to drain about half the gas out because I just filled it up last night.
Installed the new pumpand rewired it after looking at the wiring job some one did when they put it in.
So thats what I got to do instead of going to the show today.:cheers:
How about some pix?


Black Duster.jpg


Orang Duster.jpg

Plumb Duster.jpg

Spirit of 76 Dart.jpg
These were some of my favorites... but there were no owners around that I could talk to...:neutral:...maybe next time!!!
I had a blast and without this site I would of never know about it!!! Thanks once again FABO!!!







Wow,, who let those first 2 piles of junk into the show :toothy10:

We weren't hard to spot, we both had our F.A.B.O. shirts on.
thats too bad we didn't get to meet yha. we will both be around and I will for sure be at sunbust and a few other shows.
I think I was in awe of all the cars... kinda in a zombie state... didn't see many people at all... I knew they were there... but I didn't see them. HAHA.
I got quite a few looks when I drove away from my side street parking spot (she sounds pretty mean!)... maybe I should of been in the under construction section.
Sunbust?? What tis that?

it's another mopar show, in graham.. end of August... Maybe we could plan ahead of time and caravan down there.. get our own little fabo cool kids section :)

I'll try not to get wasted the night before this time.... :read2:

Hey scamp, I saw you but didn't get a chance to say hey. Most of my day was trying to get some sort of order out of the chaos. Hopefully next show I will at least have my Duster running, and can make it in. I'm sorry you aren't a fan of the club. I'm hoping to make some in roads on parts for my projects, and till I found this, clubs were my best bet.

I had a lot of fun Sunday, and hope everyone else that made it did as well.

I will be there!!! By then she should be looking a lot better... maybe even have paint... ohhhhh that would be sweeetttt!!! Just keep me updated on when it is!