Seized throttle shafts in 4150


Mike 340

Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Reaction score
I have tried a 50/50 mixture of atf and acetone for the last week and its a no go.
What have you people tried with some success?
Trying to save a base plate for a 650DP.
Have you taken the blades off and tried tapping the shafts, I use PB power blast.
Blades are off, just sprayed some fluid film on it. I have a friend with a sonic cleaner, any recommendations for a solvent solution that I could try?
Yes it is the shafts that are stuck in the plate, I had already boiled the plate in a mixture of vinegar and water with no luck.
Simple green and water for the sonic cleaner. I have also soaked one in diesel for about a month. Still have that one on on my daily driver.
Carefully heat with a small torch while tapping lightly with a small hammer.
Thank you for all your help, I will try several of these ideas and I will make sure to report back if I have successfully removed the shafts and which one seemed most beneficial.
If you are not trying to save the shaft?

There is a process where you use Alum and heat

It dissolves steel but doesn't touch aluminum.

Because carbs are not pure aluminum I would test a throwaway carb in the solution

Butane pencil torch (more precise/less likely to damage), freezer a half hour, clamp base lightly in wood with one shaft accessible and vertical, heat only the base bosses/tubes where the shaft passes through, keep torch moving around to spread heat instead of melting base, alternate heat with aerosol penetrant on the shaft above the bosses to run down, blow out flames. Rotate shaft back and forth, not just one direction. Stop after 15 min, repeat entire process if not out and for the other shaft.
#10. Tried all of the other suggestions above to no avail. Sonic cleaner didn't work either. Heat.
What solution is in the sonic cleaner. We use (Super Clean) mixed strong. Make sure it is hot and leave it in for at least two 20 minute cycles
Fluid Film is not a penetrating oil. I would try something like PBlaster or Deep Creep.
I thought that the acetone and atf was going to be my magic solution,
Just trying anything that I have on hand.
I thought that the acetone and atf was going to be my magic solution,
Just trying anything that I have on hand.
I've tried that on all kinda stuff and for me, it flat doesn't work.
Kroil and if not available then PB Blaster. Heat on the dissimilar metals should cause different expansion rates which will break it loose. Helps the penetrating oil get in too. I’d torch it or just bake in an oven at 250-300 degrees and then let cool.
May not be worth saving if you can't free it up a little with penetrating oil and tap it out.
I take a small hammer and punch and tap the throttle shafts back and forth while keeping them soaked with penetrating oil. So far, I've freed up every one I ever tried like that. Just wrap a couple of shop rags around the base plate and clamp it in a vise.
I take a small hammer and punch and tap the throttle shafts back and forth while keeping them soaked with penetrating oil. So far, I've freed up every one I ever tried like that. Just wrap a couple of shop rags around the base plate and clamp it in a vise.
Makes sense and a good sized punch to not flare the shaft ends.