Sending unit filter



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Mar 6, 2013
Reaction score
Jarvis, Ontario
I bought a replacement sending unit but when I pulled out the original sending unit it cleaned up pretty well. I would like to reuse it. It needs a new float and sending unit filter. I was hoping I could use the ones from the new unit. Does anybody know how you can get the filter off the replacement unit?



I'm curious how well your original unit cleaned up, because it looks pretty rough in that first picture!
The second picture is after a quick clean up. Pretty much just surface rust. I cleaned the scale off the float arm and it seems fine as well. I think I will put a spot or two of solder on it when I replace it.
Cleaned up pretty good! So you already got the filter off the original unit, but are having trouble getting the filter off the replacement?
The filter on the original was filthy, and petrified. I cut the plastic off with side cutters. I'll try and remove the new filter tonight.
Understood. Yeah, the new filter should be pressed on, so with a firm grip and twisting back and forth, it should come off. When I bought my replacement float, the parts store couldn't find a brass one through searching my Scamp or any other Mopar. We found one under a Ford part number I believe, but they also make hard "foam" floats that aren't supposed to develop leaks.
So, I tried to remove the filter from the new sending unit and it would not budge. I want to get the tank back in this weekend. Vans sells the correct filter, but because I am in Canada it would take two weeks to get here. I searched Amazon and found one for a Jeep which is the same diameter but longer. It will be here Wednesday or Thursday. Hopefully I can make it work.
Get a pot of boiling water on the stove.

Put the end of the sender with the filter / sock I the water for a few seconds and try to remove it.

The plastic might expand enough to be removed easily.
If the other filter doesn't fit right I may try that. I am afraid that they may have used some kind of adhesive on it. It would not move with pliers and I even tried to drive it off.
Very possible there’s some adhesive. The socks I’ve taken off have never been so tough that I needed pliers. Keep us updated!