I'm no expert on the oiling system beyond stock, but I would think in a system as this, you will need a deep pan and HV oil pump, so not to starve the bearings.
I always run a deep pan and HV pump.
But, total oil flow through the engine is far far less than what a 5 quart pan will hold.
There are 16 less leaks at the lifters because the block is tubed and the oil to the drivers side lifters is blocked off.
My rod clearance is .0020-.0022 and the mains are .0022-.0024 so oil leakage there is reduced.
I will install restricters so even though the rockers get full time oil it won’t have a 1/4 inch hose size leak.
I also run the rocker to shaft clearance fairly tight. I don’t recall what it is right now, but it’s less oil leakage than what a stock rocker and shaft has.
The total oil flow through this engine is equal to or probably less than an OEM 340 and is damn sure less than an engine with bearing clearance to run a 20w50 grade oil.
I’ll be running a 0w20 grade oil.
So I can run 5 quarts of oil in my 8 quart pan and never suck it dry.
As an FYI, the majority of times when the claim a pan was sucked dry is made, it’s when using a factory pan and pickup and the guy putting the engine together didn’t have the pickup touching the pan.
Edit: I forgot to mention that the bearings won’t get starved because all the oil feeding the rockers comes BEFORE the oil heads to the passenger side oil gallery. That’s why I pick it up at the pressure gauge oil gallery. I could have tapped into the main oil gallery but it would be no different than just feeding the rockers like Chrysler did.