Shaved Door Handles



Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2013
Reaction score
Colorado, Western Slope
When I bought my car it came with shaved door handles, and I like how they look but would rather use a handle than a button on my keys.
Now, would it be easier to put different doors on my car or just put handles on the current doors?

Thanks, Ben. :blob:
You will need to take the door panel off and take a look inside. More than likely the holes were welded, this causes the metal to shrink in (unless you are careful) and then the outside was smoother with body filler.

It could be a real pain the get everything back to where it will accept a handle correctly. Body filler in the handle area runs the risk of cracking and causes problems with fit.

But again, you need to have a look inside and see what you are dealing with.
So would it be easier to just put on different doors? But this weekend all go look inside.

It depends what it looks like inside. Maybe they used duct tape and fiberglass. Maybe they glued a patch to the inside and used body filler on the outside.

You need to know WHAT you are dealing with before you can move onto HOW you will deal with it.