Shesssss Comeing{ baby}



Mopar Nut
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
Belleville Canada
Cindy and I are very excited,our Daughter went to the hospital 3 hours ago being he first child as I know she could be in labor some 10 hours.Going to be a Grandpa today or tomorrow:D We let ya all know .
Congratulations Papaw Snake to be :clock:
I say 2:15 pm today you will be a Papaw Snake =D>
Let me see :coffee2::happy3: 20'' tall and 6.9lbs bundle of joy
Keep us posted :cheers:

Jump in and put your prediction up folks

I have mine in :clock::clock:=D>
Cindy and I are very excited,our Daughter went to the hospital 3 hours ago being he first child as I know she could be in labor some 10 hours.Going to be a Grandpa today or tomorrow:D We let ya all know .

Congrats. My wife was in labor 19 1/2 hours with our first.
Well hot dam Snake so you're going to be a Grandpa, how's being and Grandma sitting with Cindy? Going to need pictures, don't need during but after the birth will be fine.=D>
Congratulations Papaw Snake to be :clock:
I say 2:15 pm today you will be a Papaw Snake =D>
Let me see :coffee2::happy3: 20'' tall and 6.9lbs bundle of joy
Keep us posted :cheers:

Jump in and put your prediction up folks

I have mine in :clock::clock:=D>

I say 8:45 tonight we haven't went there yet she wants us to Waite until maybe 2 hours till birth its killing us lol.
Well hot dam Snake so you're going to be a Grandpa, how's being and Grandma sitting with Cindy? Going to need pictures, don't need during but after the birth will be fine.=D>

Shes very happy we have waited a long time for our first.
Hope all goes well! We had our first grandchild this spring it is amazing watching the changes day to day.
Congratulations Snake. Is this your first grandchild?

My ex wife did our first in 8 hours and she is a little thing 5' 3" and 108 lbs (before baby). Put me down for 8 hours & 7lb 10 oz.

PSSSSSSS. I found the Holley stickers from the nats and will send them out tomorrow in case it takes more postage to go Canada. I also have two different style of ""Chicago House of Blues" stickers that I can throw in for your oil tank. But you must promise that they will get on the tank, as I paid for these and they are real cool. I will give you a set for free if you make sure that they will make the tank. One is round with the Blues Brothers silhouettes on them, and the other is shaped like a guitar. Both say Chicago House of Blues.
Congratulations Snake. Is this your first grandchild?

My ex wife did our first in 8 hours and she is a little thing 5' 3" and 108 lbs (before baby). Put me down for 8 hours & 7lb 10 oz.

PSSSSSSS. I found the Holley stickers from the nats and will send them out tomorrow in case it takes more postage to go Canada. I also have two different style of ""Chicago House of Blues" stickers that I can throw in for your oil tank. But you must promise that they will get on the tank, as I paid for these and they are real cool. I will give you a set for free if you make sure that they will make the tank. One is round with the Blues Brothers silhouettes on them, and the other is shaped like a guitar. Both say Chicago House of Blues.
yes this is our first I feel a little older now,lol.I promise to put thoes on the tank,I Will centrally up a pic,but if thoes are very deer to you please keep them the Holley ones are very cool for sure.Thanksss buddy.
yes this is our first I feel a little older now,lol.I promise to put thoes on the tank,I Will centrally up a pic,but if thoes are very deer to you please keep them the Holley ones are very cool for sure.Thanksss buddy.

They are dear to me, but I bought half a dozen sets and can spare one set for a good cause. That's why I asked if you would guarantee that they would make it on the tank, I will send you a set. Sometimes sharing makes you feel better than keeping...

Once again, congrats on your new baby in the family. I hope it brings you and your family lots of joy and happiness, which I'm sure it will. Don't be ashamed to cry, this kind of crying is good...
Congrats on the First.. I hear spoiled written all over the diaper!.. My first happened to be twins... I called it when my daughter told us she was pregnant. I said they'll be boys, they'll be identical, and they'll be just like you... 3 weeks later she called to tell me almost in tears.. Daaadd you were right it's twins, and they're boys!!! I wouldn't take anything for them now, they're 3-1/2. And we just got news from her a week ago she's pregnant again and hoping for a little girl... Grandkids are so much fun..
So a BIG Congrats on that first one! May momma and baby do well and be healthy. That's all you can ask for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep us posted!!!
Grandchildren are great! Give them lots of candy then send them home!
Congratulations to you, Cindy, and your Daughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!