Shipping from US to Brazil?



Well-Known Member
May 26, 2009
Reaction score
Long island, New York
A guy on ebay wants to buy my stuff but i would have to ship it to Brazil. he has in the past 12 months done 800 something ebay transactions all positive. not a single negitive. should i ship to him? or would i be risking losing my money? i really dont want to lose my money since thats my carlisle money! any advice is appreciated.
Since eBay requires both buyers and sellers to use PayPal, it should be no problem once the money is in your account. I've shipped all over the world with never a problem. As our friends in Canada, Sweden, and elsewhere can attest, shipping can be kind of high but since the buyer is paying the freight, go for it (if what you're selling will fit in a flat rate box and weighs 20 pounds or less, it's not too hateful for the buyer).
if he pays with paypal and if he has such a good transaction record there should be no problems
I recently sold a pair of 426 hemi cylinder heads to a man in Brazil. Wonder if it's the same guy.
It was a e Bay transaction, and i got paid thru Pay Pal without any problems.
The heads were sent to a container, shipping company in Florida, then after that down to Brazil.
I wouldn't worry at all if the deal goes down thru Pay Pal.