shootout at the hotrod shop today!

Too bad there aint some dead thugs on the floor. Be very careful on CL epsecially when you go to buy because they know you have cash on you.

As far as guns, this is my wife at the range on Saturday. She outshot me that day so if anything goes down, I will let her protect me. LOL

That's a pretty misleading stat there buddy, since it doesn't take into account the ones taken out in the fields eh , your not that far from St Thomas. Just because we don't go all Ghetto Cowboy { Toronto excluded of course } doesn't mean things don't end up with a walk in the bush/field the old fashioned way from time to time eh . that registry fiasco kept a lot of private guns in the closet but they are out there , same with the pistols or the guy I mentioned wouldn't be selling so many holsters .
Very True.... I guess us Canadians are a little more discreet about settling our personal vendettas. I never feel threatened in that way though. The only thing I'm packing is a coupe of cold ones for the road!:drinkers:
like I said we have plenty of guns , Since this is only 20 minutes from me I'm waiting to see who it is .
I don't like the way the cops want to take away hid guns - for nothing. The guy was home so what is the beef with an open safe? Why can'y you put optics and a bipod on a rifle? What is wrong with a loaded pistol as they are useless empty?

Like I said, poor canucks.
I don't like the way the cops want to take away hid guns - for nothing. The guy was home so what is the beef with an open safe? Why can'y you put optics and a bipod on a rifle? What is wrong with a loaded pistol as they are useless empty?

Like I said, poor canucks.
Yeah we got some screwy laws , guns have 3 catagories Non Restricted , Restricted and Prohibited , they give permits for the first 2 but have stopped giving permits for the third , the first is long guns and shotguns with minimum barrel lengths , the second is pistols and other long guns and the third is automatic or shortened guns , they can take a gun and say by "order of Council" that it is now restricted or even prohibited without any real reason which is why the cop in the article used the phrase "menacing looking" that is cause to re classify the weapon . Half the Barrett models are restricted or even prohibited but the other half are Non Restricted even tho they fire the same caliber ammo and are bolt action just because 1 looks like a military assault weapon and the other doesn`t ,it`s arbitrary and stupid but they killed the long gun registry and are threatening any law enforcement that tries to create any sort of back door registry of long guns which beats your 3 day background check for every purchase .
I don't like the way the cops want to take away hid guns - for nothing. The guy was home so what is the beef with an open safe? Why can'y you put optics and a bipod on a rifle? What is wrong with a loaded pistol as they are useless empty?

Like I said, poor canucks.
Like I said, The laws are very sticky and even if the guns aren't prohibited weapons, the police will still go out of their way to find a reason why you shouldn't be able to have them. Don't feel sorry for us Canucks though.....We may not be able to have as many cool guns as our friends south of the border.... but.... our Canadian beer kicks ***!!!
Like I said, The laws are very sticky and even if the guns aren't prohibited weapons, the police will still go out of their way to find a reason why you shouldn't be able to have them. Don't feel sorry for us Canucks though.....We may not be able to have as many cool guns as our friends south of the border.... but.... our Canadian beer kicks ***!!!

well played my friend:cheers:
Agreed, besides it makes it easier to find the deranged killers with all our gun laws. besides guns have never been my thing, swords on the other hand...

Are you really sure about that?

[ame=""]Indiana Jones : Sword vs. Gun - YouTube[/ame]