should I use ballast resister with msd blaster 2 coil



Early-A Body Nerd
Mar 24, 2008
Reaction score
Chesapeake, Va
Hey guys. Putting a blaster 2 coil on my cuda & instructions are not real clear if I need to use included resister(.80 ohm) in addition to resister on firewall. My setup is mopar performance distributer & chrome ignition box. All instructions say are its needed with points & not needed with modern electronic ignitions but then they say its needed on some of msd's boxes. Thanks for any info.

I'd use the resistor they provide in place of the factory resistor, but definitely not both. Better yet, check with MSD's tech help.
No resistor needed.....

Not true! MSD recomends the use of a .8 ohm ballast resistor when their coil is used in an inductive ignition system.

You don't need it with a MSD capacitive discharge system or in some of the late model inductive systems that vary the dwell over the rpm range.
Not true! MSD recomends the use of a .8 ohm ballast resistor when their coil is used in an inductive ignition system.

You don't need it with a MSD capacitive discharge system or in some of the late model inductive systems that vary the dwell over the rpm range.

I agree here, All of the Mopar boxes require a ballast resistor for the coil. In fact any ignition system that does not have a specific wire coming out of the control box for the positive side of the coil will require a ballast resistor. Use the resistor supplied with the coil in place of the factory one.
Thanks for the input guys. Talked to a MSD rep. today & he claimed I would need to run the MSD .80 resister along with my existing one similar to my old accel race coil. Seems to be confusion among the MSD techs as I found 3 old post's. One agrees with the guy today & other 2 said not needed,run with stock ballast.

The rep that told you to run both is wrong. You only need the .8 ohm MSD resistor.

I have called the MSD tech line a couple of times an found for the most part the folks answering the phone don't know much about their products. I don't recall if it was on this forum or another but some one was having issues connecting up a timing retard box and the tech rep told him to wire it like it was an ignition box completely different than the instructions.

Having been an engineer for more than 30 years now and having dealt with both customer service and technical publications it is my opinion that you should follow what the instruction say over what a tech rep tells you. The reason being is that the instructions are either written or reviewed by the engineers that design the product where the training given to tech reps is not reviewed by the designers. Also, as a company gets larger and has a more diversified product line it becomes all most impossible for a tech rep to know them all. A good one will not bs you and will hand you off to some one that knows the particular product.
Thanks for the input dgc333.Can't follow the instructions when they suck. The instructions are the problem. They are not specific for inductive ignition. Only states use their resister with points or msd 5 series box & not with capacitive discharge. Hooked it up with their resister & seems fine. Electronics are my weak point & any info. on why I need the msd supplied resister as opposed to the 1ohm or both that you can PM me(condensed to 6th grade level)would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the help.

A points system and the mopar electronic system are inductive systems. The mopar electronic system from the early 70's is nothing more than an electronic switch to replace the points. It was no ability to change the dwell over rpm and does nothing to increase the spark output beyond eliminating the condenser.