Shoulder surgery tomorrow 8/21



Well-Known Member
May 22, 2004
Reaction score
Dalton PA
I know i haven't been posting much but i generally check in everyday,i been trying to get some things done around the house before i go for surgery.
Been remodeling my bathroom but unfortuneatley it's not done yet but my dad is gonna put the new flooring down and install the new vanity for me.
I wanted to get more done to the Scamp but all i managed to get done was get the rear back in,so i guess it will be setting untouched for a while.
Anyway just wanted to let you guys know why i haven't been around much and that it will probably be a couple days before i can get back online.

So keep those wrenches turning and keep the shiny side up!
I'll be back when i can to let to let you know how i am.
I had shoulder surgery for a tear, & bone spurs about a year ago. It wasn't too bad. The worst part is trying to sleep with the sling on.

I wish you a speedy recovery.
Hope everything goes well EvilScamp. Microscopic surgery with three entry point's on me and surgery went well, And helped allot.
Whipping my you know what with my left hand back 7 years ago was
harder than I thought. Let us know as soon as you can bud.
Wishing you all the best, and a quick recovery.
It always seem that these things happen when we have a lot of things planned. But it's generally a short set back. Hope it's not your drinking arm.
Get back to us as soon as you can!
I'm finally getting mobile after a broken heel bone, set my plans and projects on the side burner, but it was kinda nice to have most of the summer off in retrospect.
If its rotator cuff surgery your having best of luck with the recovery,its one of the most painfull procedures you can have,and i hope it is successfull my right shoulder re-tore 5 months later and my left is torn also,i'm just dealing with it,i refuse to go through the surgery again...
Good Luck with the surgery Kev. Wish I was closer so I could help out, but 13 hrs is to far. Make sure you do the rehab properly, if you dog it at all it won't work.

Hey guys thanks for all the get well wishes! My surgery went well but took longer than they thought it would was supposed to be an hour ended up being 3! I tore all the ligaments off my shoulder and had to repair them all,so now i start rehab today they said i will be in rehab from 6 weeks to 3 months depending on how things go.
I'll check back in as soon as i can. Thanks again guys!
Hey guys thanks for all the get well wishes! My surgery went well but took longer than they thought it would was supposed to be an hour ended up being 3!

Probably took 2 hours just to shave the hair off your shoulders!:bootysha:

Glad it went well bud!!
Probably took 2 hours just to shave the hair off your shoulders!:bootysha:

No my trainer shaved me down before i went!:munky2::finga:

Quick update: Started rehab yesterday can't really do much yet they are gonna start excercising and stretching it next week.
They had put a pump in my arm filled with something for the pain they finally took that out today.
So now i'm on the road to recovery hopefully i won't have anymore problems with it,if i do the next step will be an artificial joint.
Kev, heres to a speedy recovery !:drinkers:

Doesn't have to be to speedy i'm on workman's comp so i'm getting paid to sit on my *** and do nothing!

Kinda like Tony does when he's at work!:bootysha:
Hey! We need to make sure you are doing ok!!
I do understand staying home and going to therapy
is such a joy!= NOT.
My back is keeping me close to home but it is getting better.
Your shoulder is a very ,shall I say ,busy place and I am sure
you are going crazy at time's, Wish I had something funny for ya.
But I do hope you are keeping your chin up and keep you patients.
Hope everything is gooing well for ya.
Nice to see you up & posting already Kev. I'm in the same predicament (work related shoulder injury). I'm retraining for another career, thats what they do in Canada for Worker's Comp. I could never return to the same work (permanent restrictions). The money is good in the meantime.