Show your darts with stripes??? Need ideas.



Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
Reaction score
Northern Nevada
OK, I am getting ready to install the 340-6 into the 67 dart and get some stuff done. I am currently workign on the interior as I changed it from brownish, beige and gray to Q5 turquoise with a black dash and black upper dash area as well. So now I am re-thinkign my stripe. I am no body man expert and have a couple of flawsalong the body line when I redid the body ans paint. One one in the fender and both out back where I took out the D.A.R.T. letters, welded and did the body work.

So I was thinking a GT stripe around the butt of the car but am now kind of thinking the long stripe down the body. Can I see some stripes, original, custom, ect for some ideas. I am also going to use 340-6 emblems on the hood, so different is good.


I like the way this looks

The Dart 019.jpg
Look at the gauges on the dash??

Are there any interior pics of that car?

BTW, lawfish, does that guy challengergary still make custom stripes for darts?

That may be something to look into.

I am not sure. I was going to get mine from moparts member fast383duster,
here is his website---
he seems real nice and sent me some idea a while back. I have been hestitating trying to decide which ones to use. But since its a 340-6 motor, I was thinking the butt stripe with a 340-6 logo or something.

Now that I see a few flaws, I was thinking longitudinal(sp) maybe?? Not sure.

Ryan seems like hes very helpfull.

cudaspaz - Thanks for the plug.

Yes, I can make custom stripes for Dart's. I've modified factory ones for a few people.

Lawfish, what about a factory style butt stripe with GT & 340-6 instead of GT Sport?
Here's a pic of my Dart when I painted it 13 years ago. I am kind of like oyu now as I am trying to think of a new paint sceme for my Dart
Wildcat, I think I have a matchbox version of your prowler......That's pretty cool!!!!