I cannot wait.My little girls love riding to school in the Dart. When the Slant gets reving around a turn in 2nd they start yelling "ROCKET POWER!" as they tip over, held down by the lap belts.
I built it when I was 15 for a daily driver and off road toy. I drove it every day for 2 years. But now I use it for a work truck. In the future I plan on droping it on a custom chassis with a first generation cummins for motivation.I love the truck. What are your plans with it?
Ok, I know it isnt an A body, but its motivated by a /6 from a 1974 Scamp. The steering column is also from a 1974 Scamp, and a wiring harness, bench seat, and steering wheel from a 1971 Dart. Oh, and a /6 radiator from a 1970 Dart.