simply vanished !!!



Well-Known Member
May 13, 2010
Reaction score
Grand Tetons
Have you ever bought something, set it down , and it vanishes??

I finally break down and buy a new android phone. Samsung galaxy note 4. My 2 year old galaxy s2 finally was on its last legs.

So i get a ballistic case to go with my new phone, i pick up a micro SD card for it. I get home remove the ballistic case, from my new phone, open up my new phone and old phone to download my pix to the card, and transfer it to the new phone.

I set everything opened up, new case and all on the bar in our house, do a honeydo for my wife, transfer my pix, and notice the phone case i just bought is effing missing.

I damn near tore the house apart looking for it. Its completely vanished WTF !!!! My wife says dont worry about it tonight, that it will turn up. Problem is i need this frigging case to protectvthis phone while i am at work.

Yes, my teenaged daughter wouldent mess with it. My 7, and 8 year olds are by grandma this weekend. Only one could have been my 2.5 year old son. Bar top too tall for him to reach. Thats why i put everything up there.

My wife helped me earlier, and we looked in all the usual places.
The mind is the second thing to go. You know what the first thing is!
I used to get blamed for crap like that all of the time as a kid. Tools were the worst. Now I moved out and only swing by my parents a couple times a month and my dad still asks me if I have his tools.

Good luck with the case!
Checked pockets, emptied kitchen trash can one piece o trash at a time into another bag. Checked every where i went in the house when i came home.
put my car keys in my back pocket for some reason last week , spent twenty minutes tearing the house apart , decided to sit down to calm down and there they were . I have a little pentastar I bought at Moparfest 2010 it sits on my counter , every time I look for it to install it it's gone then months later it's back , cleaned the counter the other day and there it is again taunting me . So yes I know exactly what your saying .
I used to get blamed for crap like that all of the time as a kid. Tools were the worst. Now I moved out and only swing by my parents a couple times a month and my dad still asks me if I have his tools.

Good luck with the case!

My son Matt was always losing my tools, which he denied. That was until people started showing up and saying. Does this belong to you ?? I found it under the hood of my car !!
Matt works for a generator co now and has little time for side work. PTL
My ex was always losing her uniform hat - while it was still on her head!:eek:ops::sign3:
What I hate is putting stuff in a place where you wont lose it then cant find it in 5 minutes. lol
What I hate is putting stuff in a place where you wont lose it then cant find it in 5 minutes. lol

I have often thought about buying a tote with a lid. And every time I want to put a small item away so I can find it later, put it in the tote. Strictly for smaller items.

I do it to myself quite often, put something up for later, and later comes and I can't find it.

With the tote, I have a good go to place.