[WANTED] Slant 6 timing cover

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May 1, 2023
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Cypress, Tx
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HI, I can't seem to locate a timing cover for my slant 6:( What could have happened to the timing pointer!! I've looked and looked, so I'm checking here;)
dne' ;)

slant 6 timing cover.jpg
What year is the damper? There are different timing covers that get matched to the damper for the correct timing marks. There is one cover that has the timing tab mounted to the lower cover bolt on the driver side. If you remove that bolt the tab will come off. If that is for your 1963 dodge it would have that timing tab.
Hi Charrlie~ the engine is from a '75 Plymouth Duster. the timing mark is spot welded on from the factory I suppose.
Thank you;)
I have some extras for you as well. I am not sure when the crossover point for the timing covers went from Bolt on -1960-1966 or so and spot welded onto the Right side of the timing cover. - ~1967 to 1987.

But I sure Have a bunch of the spot-welded ones that I could clean up and sell ya!

Sometimes the engine has been swapped, so even though you have a 1975 duster it could have one of those bolt-on timing tabs from 1960-'66 with a matching harmonic dampener and timing cover.

If charrlie does not have one (unlikely) I can help you out.

Best of luck!
At least I know one of you guys have it;) So, Charrlie, I'll pm Slant six and go from there;)
dne' ;)

timing cover.PNG
Just to let you all know, Slant Six saved the day (THANK YOU!) ! I Hope some day I might be able to help someone;)
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