I know I'm right....
Nice youtube vid of a slant mill getting a 1bbl sniper.
No doubtGood video....but that's a lot of dough to spend on one barrel.
A case of more money than sense, mixed with a “I want that one” attitude I assume. I wish it was me lol!Good video....but that's a lot of dough to spend on one barrel.
I’d definitely do the Holley sniper 2300 2bbl if I was to efi swap a slantGood video....but that's a lot of dough to spend on one barrel.
I watched this at about 2am. I have been on the fence about doing this to my slant. The reactions from these guys on videos like this are making me think it’s a good idea.
I replaced the Lean Burn system on my '79 Magnum with an MSD 6a box back in the early '90s and it really woke the car up, never had any issues with it either.I was told by several back when I did power tour back in '09 and 10 that my driving a carbureted car with an $18 mechanical fuel pump was the best thing I could have had on such a long trip ..... I had no issues.
The car I drove in, still has it's lean burn on it to this day, also surprisingly gave me no issues then, though now is starting to flake out on me..... This spring that will be going away
Been there since 78 though.