Slot Cars

T-jets or ThunderJet 500 is the brand name of the classic range of HO cars made by aurora in the 60s into the early 70s. These chassis are indentified by the row of gears on top of the chassis and have bodies held on by two screws. These have a huge following for both collectors and racers. These do NOT use magnetically assisted traction like today's cars. To make things confusing an excellent of new cars are being reproduced and some of these do have a very small but powerful magnet to increase traction.

Yes you probably could mount the Hot Wheels bodies to slot car chassis. A dab of silicone on the side of the chassis would probably hold it in place very well and it could still be removed if needed.

Cool resin body. I had some cool HO Sox & Martin decals but after moving three times in three years I'm not sure I could find them. You'll need to get the specific chassis or figure out how to mount it to one of your other chassis.

A very nice S&M '67 GTX was produced, not sure what they are worth now but this can save a lot of time and effort

That chassis is a life like chassis The two corvettes and lambo's should have Tyco 440 chassis.

This is a Super G-Plus racing chassis.

This is a new reproduction of the T-jet tuffones chassis

As for Mopars, I see someone posted that they found MEV's 69 Dart and 71 Dart. If you look at my first pic, I have two MEVs 70 Super Bees, a MEVs 70 Road Runner, and a MEVs 69 Dart. Very good quality, but you will pay $50 per body with no chassis. And they require the T-jet style chassis. The Dart will not accept the tuffones chassis. They are the funnest to drive because they will slide around the corners. Not near as fast, but harder to drive.
Hi rani

you could use hot wheels bodies, however they are pretty heavy. the lighter the car body the better it will handle as a slot car. all HO scale slot cars will work on your track.

the resin cast dart bodies are cool, and if you look at your dodge dart hot wheels cars, im willing to bet that whoever you bought the bodies off of, pulled their initial mould from a hotwheels dart body. this is pretty common practice for slot car people. plus it requires an AFX mega G 1.7 long wheel base chassis. yep bet it was pulled as a mould from a hot wheels dart. nothing wrong with that, makes a nice start to a custom. maybe buy a bunch and paint and letter em up like the famous racers that ran super stock hemi darts back in the day. theres a guy on my other site i frequent who bought a resin dodge 4 door crew cab truck body, and made a stock car hauler with a plymouth stocker on the back. all scratchbuilt. so much you can do with slotties today.

i scratchbuilt a dodge L700 tilt cab truck and trailer, and have it on HOslotracer as a blog, and show the pix on how to build your own. my friend plymouth71 on HOsr i believe makes decals, and can prob make you whatever you would want for a custom build. you should subscribe to HOsr, and post your buildups that im sure your gonna want to do in a blog form on there.

looks like you have some nice tyco 440X2 vettes, tyco 440X2 lamborghinis fast and fragile, and some nice lifelike / Rokar M car stock cars too. i prefer the TOMY AFX SRT chassis. fast, and durable, and lots of different bodies fit these.

lots of places online to buy spare parts like gears, tires, pick up shoes, guide pins, and just about everything as spare parts. spare parts, bodies, chassis complete cars etc,

try NCP hobbies, JAG hobbies, and

i need to get a few dodge ram pickup bodies from JAG, or NCP these work great when lightened, lowered, and back end shortened. made by american line for AFX these are pretty cool to run.

i usually buy the auto world bodies, lower them, and cut out the excess weight. i use a cheap digital scale (china freight) when i do this, you would be surprised how much weight you can remove from them and still have them looking good.

auto world even has a new challenger painted up red white and blue like ronnie sox car, and use em under tomy AFX SRT chassis as the body clips mount the same. auto world has some really cool (4 gear specialty chassis) with funny car, pro stock, and dragster bodies. auto world also has a dragstrip with a working christmas tree, and finish line lights. i want one of these sooo bad.

i am also on a fun family site called all of you should check it out. lots of great ideas there, lots of cool stuff, its kinda like fabo for slot cars. im addicted to both sites fabo and hoslotracer. hope to see ya there. im moparmat3K on hoslotracer or ' HOsr for short.

theres a contributor to HOsr called has some cool stuff track, cars etc. he sells the auto world 3 gear X traction cars, they are a cheap knock off of the old 3 gear aurora afx magnatraction chassis. a little work on em and they will run good tho. brushes, springs, magnets, and pickup shoes will interchange with the old afx 3 gear chassis so its a win for me with my vintage stuff.

auto world came out with racing rigs too. pretty cool stuff. the TOMY A/FX cars are a little pricey but well made, run great, and are very detailed for the collector series cars. the collector clear bodies have interiors in them. the new TOMY A/FX track has the most types of track available. 6", 9", 12", 15", and 18" radius turns, you can make a 10 lane track with all those radiuses tho typical of HO are 2, 4 and 6 lanes. tomy also has 9" and 12" radius banked turns, plus all manner of straight track lengths, and 22Volt power supplies. tomy is easily the best in the business today.

i look forward to seeing y'all on HOsr.
