Snowiest FABO member

My wife was on them for a while, se is actually on the fentanol now, should have heard the bitching when she saw the news, they are a pain in the a$$ to get nowadays.
OH I Got the munchies and dinner is ready. To be continued.......
Since an average raindrop is 1/10,000 of an inch, and one inch of rain would equal 10 inches of snow, it's safe to assume that 1 snowflake is 1/100,000 of an inch. (all in inches cubed I might add)

With this you can figure out that there would be 6022141500000000000 cubic inches of snow total or 3485035590000000 cubic feet of snow.

3485035590000000 (snowflakes in cubic feet)

(This wouldn't bother me, in the slightest...Especially the government mule....)

No ,as for snow on Pismo Beach(yes I have seen snow here...30 years ago..Lasted 2 minutes, maybe...) lol..
Winner Winner, Chickin Dinner. Gonna start Snowin here around 1pm today. They are tellin me 24-30 inches. WHooo Who !!
Well I see the coffee club comedy team is at work over here on this thread too!
Why do men make good fisherman???

Because they are so good at exaggerating length....
Last year it would have been me or someone around here but not so this year. We had a couple storms miss us and last year at this time we had about 4 feet of snow on the way to 12'. This year we only have less than one.
You may have the honors this year.