So many (Pree ***) idiots, so little time........

I can't stand Prius owners' smug attitude, so many people these days act like they know what's best and they do no wrong and look down at others.

When in reality, the Prius isn't "greener" than other cars. All the batteries use metal that is mined, and the batteries have to be replaced. By far the greatest impact of any car is everything that goes into building it. Those of us who keep driving our old cars are actually doing less damage to the planet than Prius owners.
I can't stand Prius owners' smug attitude, so many people these days act like they know what's best and they do no wrong and look down at others.

Glad you specified Prius owners....for a second I thought you were talking about some folks here.....
took the wifey out to diner last night in a little bit "better" neighbourhood
as I parked the charger alongside landrovers, mercedeces' and lincolns I noticed a prius 2 or 3 cars down
and as I looked again I saw IT HAD A HITCH INSTALLED
what in tarnation would he think he can haul with that?

The trailer with his extra battery for extended road trips
Probably shouldn't say it here but I really like my Pree *** lol

Helps me put more money into the cars I like even more. My daily 120 mile round trip to work would break me without it.

I catch a lot of crap for being such a hypocrite as I own six Mopars that burn premium and the best one for fuel economy gets 17mpg.

LOL...anyway rage on
Probably shouldn't say it here but I really like my Pree *** lol

Helps me put more money into the cars I like even more. My daily 120 mile round trip to work would break me without it.

I catch a lot of crap for being such a hypocrite as I own six Mopars that burn premium and the best one for fuel economy gets 17mpg.

LOL...anyway rage on

I don't care what you own as long as you don't DRIVE like "one."
It's ok I get it. I was pissed at the guy in the new SS Camaro the other day that had cars line up for a mile trying to get around his slow butt. 50 mph in a 65 mph zone, busy two lane.

I quote myself when I say this "stupid drivers piss me off"... Probably as much as my stupid driving pisses them off.
If drove one, you'd understand why he was driving so slow. Not only do they not help the environment and get fairly worse mpg than advertised, they also handle like complete garbage.

As a parts guy,sat in on a few tech classes.The first gen Pree Assess(chapless?),came with underrated Bridgestone tires,for the size of tire. The dummies at Turdota,didn't account for the weight,forcall the batteries and extra crap weight wise. Being in California,see them EVERYWHERE. Hate the car,not necessarily the driver.