So much for that toyota quality..

Honestly, I could really give two ***** what car is better than the other, but the confrentation was rather amusing. But now I am bord and will move onto bigger and better things that actually do have an effect on me. :)
Toadota is really setting new records for recalls,and death's.

Ignorant statment considering the number of people killed related to the Ford Explorer tire recall exceeds the Toyota recall by a factor of 4.

More people have died from Fords popping out of gear or SUV rollover fatalities.
... if it dont say "made in the USA" AND is made by an American Company BASED IN AMERICA ( no transplants ) they dont get my money an they never will! I live here, I dont live in Japan or Germany or Italy or Korea.....Build it here, Buy it here from companys that are BASED HERE...

You made a couple of good points, but this one isn't good. You are implying people should buy only from their own. This seems to say that you think the automotive market in India (what - 3 billion people?) should not buy Dodge or Chevrolet products, correct? Or KitchenAid appliances? I'm sure the people in Wisconsin making SubZero refrigerators are happy to know you don't want hundreds of millions of Chinese buying their products (although I doubt you bought one, either).
I cannot imagine how you dress in the morning, because very, very few clothes are made in America. Amish?
You should also stop watching television immediately and give your set to the local youth center, because I can guarantee you it was not made in America by an American company.
Lots of people say "Buy American" but only mean cars. Do you have the balls to go all the way?
Petty, Fishy-
I know you guys never really thought Toyota (or any other company, for that matter) cared about customer's or people's safety to begin with! It's all about the money, for every corporation, or no one would buy their stock and they would be out of business.
No fake outrage, please.
Honestly, I could really give two ***** what car is better than the other, but the confrentation was rather amusing. But now I am bord and will move onto bigger and better things that actually do have an effect on me. :)

Hey English major,the words are spelled BORED and CONFRONTATION you would have known that if you ever made it to the seventh it happens I do own a sub zero fridge...imagine that? AND I did not say I never bought cloths that were not made here I said that I do not intend to do so gouing forward and one does not need to be Amish to select clothing made in america MY tv was purchased 16 years ago and rarely gets watched, my priority is more centered on reading home improvement and working on my classic collection. Again, mistakes from the past cannot be un-done as you suggest....I am pretty certain Millions of Chineese are in no position to buy sub Zero's anyway ( mine cost a bunch). Beside that, I have visited most of the countries on the list I mentioned as places I do not live....I have long term personal friends that live in those places as well. Discussion with them has revealed that they are continuously reminded to not buy foreign ( meaning our products) in fact they have out in the open organizations ( clubs) that ID products that are made in thier country and strongly suggest they follow those buying patterns. The number of sales of our products in foreign lands is paled by the number of sales of thier products in our land and that is no accident, nor is it disputable!

so in summation: I am not Amish and I have found and use a source for American made clothing that seems to be ( so far) within reach of budget, quality and fit...and style LOL.
I will not make any attempt to go backward and offload my 16 year old curtis matthes TV but I dont watch it much anyway so I am not too worried that a 16 year old USA made product (at the time) will affect us going forward
I have and will continue to read labels on everything I buy going forward and yes I do have the "balls" to take that as far as needed or can be taken given the current state of USA made products.
MY PC is made ( assembeled by me) but I have no idea where the parts came from as most bulk parts do not have lables, I assume they are made in Japan. With no other options yet available there is little choice and that is exactly what I am talking about...... OUR lunch is being eaten and we have few to no options!! Bitching or finding fault here is not doing it..... we need to take it to the stores.....start asking "where is this made?" and visibly put it down if you dont like the answer! The other countries are NOT playing fair and despite recent spikes in China sales and India sales ( nominal by comparison) there is no equity!
NO I am not saying that they should buy from their own...THEY ARE SAYING IT and they have been saying it for years & years!! All I am saying is sometimes you have to fight fire with fire....the market as a whole does not seem to understand reason... SO you make good argument and your points are valid..... to a point. When I see "fair trade" REAL fair trade what you pointed out can be considered reasonable, until then.... I intend to do my part to keep the money onshore and strengthen OUR economy. If you really have an issue with keeping the money I have said before Pray that your children can find a job that will support their life here.
AND for the record SIR, sarcasm is the hallmark of the dim
Have a great day
Right On. Thats The Problem, The Balance Of Exports Are No Where Near The Imports. I Applaued You For Buying American. The Problem Is That America Has A Got To Have It Now Syndrome!
This Is Why The Buy American Thing Bogs Down. No One Wants To Put Out An Effort. We Have Become Quite Lazy In America. No One Wants To Make Any Sacrifices, All They Want To Do Is *****.
The Bad Thing Is, I'm In That Group.
66cuda (I love those)-

"…as it happens I do own a sub zero fridge.."
-- That's good - we like ours but I read that they are not doing really well.

"…I did not say I never bought cloths that were not made here I said that I do not intend to do so gouing forward…"
-- I must have misunderstood that. I peruse the boards as a break in my work so I sometimes miss things. I did do my research and checked the website you mention. My problem is finding the actual clothing in stores - I am strangely shaped and do need to try before I buy, thus the internet is not much of an option for clothes.

"…I am pretty certain Millions of Chineese are in no position to buy sub Zero's anyway ( mine cost a bunch).."
-- I idsagree. I'm pretty sure plenty are, out of such a huge market.

"... Beside that, I have visited most of the countries on the list…. The number of sales of our products in foreign lands is paled by the number of sales of thier products in our land and that is no accident, nor is it disputable!"
-- I wouldn't even try to dispute that - too much research involved - though the countries where I was in the army and later for work (Belgium, Germany, United Arab Emirates) all seemed to have plenty of foreign products for sale and in use. Naturally, I would expect most consumers to buy more locally, but why be exclusive? Do American companies LIKE being artificially shut out of potential markets?

"I have found and use a source for American made clothing that seems to be ( so far) within reach of budget, quality and fit...and style LOL…."
-- Well, style is debatable, and I always found the Amish look quite attractive (LOL).

"…I will not make any attempt to go backward and offload my 16 year old curtis matthes TV…"
-- I think my father still has one of these. I have a 15 year old Mitsubishi, myself, that has been through three moves (one cross-country) and has never had one problem. Back then, I couldn't afford a C-M television. I guess lots of people couldn't, they went out of business.

It sounds like you agree with me that it is, indeed, difficult to find some items made in America (your example was computer components). i would LOVE to get everything I ever need or want from American companies - IF it was exactly what I need or want AND COULD AFFORD. We got the SubZero with the house - I would not have paid that kind of money for a refrigerator myself. Why is it we can't buy reasonably priced American made products? I do think the higher transportation costs are going to bring back some things to our shores, but as long as company heads are trying to shave a buck here and there to get into the Wal-Marts and Targets, it's not going to be much. My friends say I sound like a broken record (hmmm, showing my age) when I complain that most consumer products now are either high-end, excellent, and almost-unaffordable, or low-end, disposable crap. What ever happened to the middle ground?

"…start asking "where is this made?" and visibly put it down if you dont like the answer…If you really have an issue with keeping the money here…"
That's the thing - I don't really care about the answer, as far as my spending goes. Do I want more manufacturing here? Heck, yes. I want lots more! My family comes from coal mining (still here) and steel (not much still here). I think it's idiotic that we import steel, but I don't have a problem with importing shoes if they are better than the ones made here (and my feet say they are, for the most part. And I don't have some irrational (IMO) urge to keep my money "here". Other people need money,too, and it seems only fair to give them a shot at mine by making something I want or need and selling it to me. All somebody has to do is make things I want/need in America and price them reasonably, and I'll buy! I never, ever shop on price only; I pay what something is worth. Just because it is cheaper from Taiwan is no reason to buy from Tawain, but the fact that something only comes from Taiwan, or the better one comes from Taiwan, is.

In the end, it doesn't matter whether we like it, or not, the economy is a global one, and will be for as long as we are alive and most likely long after. American business leaders and the politicians that scratch their backs made sure that ship sailed a while ago. It had nothing to do with our buying habits and everything to do with increasing their profits. It's not going to change back, though you and I wish it would.
Let's say some magic happens, and we put a HUGE tariff on any shoes made off-shore. What will people be able to afford to wear for the year or two that it takes for manufacturing to ramp up again here? That's a valid concern with punitive tariffs, I think. On a related note, I think Americans have a great work ethic, mad creative skills, and are marketing geniuses. Why would American companies need govt. intervention to help them make and sell a good product?

"AND for the record SIR, sarcasm is the hallmark of the dim"
No, it's not - it's fun. Sarcasm is a noble tradition. I don't think most discerning readers ever called Jonathan Swift or Mark Twain "dim".
Well said! and as for Swift & Twain as I recall they both got thier asses kicked for being a lil too sarcastic to the wrong people at the wrong time LOL...
I can take it, its no biggy, but I do think we had better watch our P's & Q's if they start talkin some kinda euro equivalent here and try to replace our money.... I dont care if we buy thier stuff, really as long as the playing field is at least equal or a lil tilted in our favor. Trouble is, its not. Its way tilted in thier favor and it bugs me deeply that the japanese own most of new york real estate. I am not kidding when I say that foreign countries are now and have been getting more & more homogenous. The japanese have been for years & years and have no intention of "rounding" any time soon. I feel this to be a very anti american policy and for that reason I have as little interst in contributing to their growth as is possible. That oil ******** in venezuela is up there too....if his stations were the last ones in the country I would select to walk. That POS is doing everything he can to destroy us financially and we still allow him to sell here and we buy his gas and fund his efforts? WTF? are we nuts? why not just hand him the deeds to our homes and keys to our cars and phone numbers of our daughters? I know it seems a lil radical, but hey that is HOW this country was founded...I think its in our water? LOL if we dont get a lil pissed off and let our ignorant politicians know about it ( and believe me if foreign sales drop THEY will know about it better then YOU writing them a letter)....nothing will happen and this economic decline idiocy will continue
The GAP thing.....well I guess we will have to adopt a more european attitude toward clothing and shoes....instead of having 30 pair, maybe 3 pair of better higher quality shoe would suffice? ( that is just an example NO I dont have 30 pair) same with clothing 3 very high quality outfits vs 10 or 20 medium quality to disposable outfits?
Hell I dont know all the answers, but I do know they do not buy as much from us as we do from them and THAT skews the playing field against us in a major way.
Toyota is not alone in this doo doo.... the Chinese are right now making a car that they intend to market here for pretty much the cost of dirt. That is going to blow the lid off the whole shootin match. No market can compete with what they have come to accept to live on....and they have an equally resource rich country that has yet to be tapped....things here could tank suddenly and it would take us decades to recover if at all. They have zero regard for our standards and they already KNOW as most of us are begining to find out...that which comes to our shores is NOT highly inspected or scrutinized to the level we all assume. most of it just passes by the LONE customs guy/ boarder patrol officer and is allowed in regardless of the lead in the paint or the danger it presents.
Toyota is guilty, of that I have lil doubt. but so is Hundai, Honda, Nissan, Subaroozoom and the rest of the transplants, they are here for the bucks and they do not care WHO they put out of work who they impact or if we long as the money is flowing back to Japan & korea THEY are happy campers. Just like Honda Hundai zoom zoom and the rest.... fact is WE DONT NEED that many brands...... back in the day ( I am 57) there used to be a huge tarriff on imports......and back then our sales in thier country is about equal to what it is today..... I know Roger Smith and GM went a lil sideways when all their cars looked exactly the same and the infamous K car Cheesh....but I know that foreign governments subsidize their manufacturing ALL of it, not just cars, and their labor is already cheaper so they have an enormous edge.... that our manufacturers do not have. they dont pay for medical, they dont pay retirements they dont have unions....Jesus! it is a wonder we still have companys willing to play in this crazy sandbox! Think of what would be said & done if Iacocca had said ...I am not coming to the federal hearing?
I hear what you are saying but I think it is in our overall best interest to grab onto a lil homogenous-ness ourselves and follow the other golden rule.... treat everybody as you expect to be treated until such time they give you reason to treat them like they treat you..... I think that reason is here NOW and we need to get off our collective asses and show the world that we are madly inventive and creative and that we can produce the best bang for the buck and that we can compete...its going to sting a lil but if we dont do it now its going to kill later on.
Nice banter! look me up if you ever make it to the woodward cruise..... this would be more fun over a burger & beer listening to an watching american muscle roar by...
have a great week
Hey English major,the words are spelled BORED and CONFRONTATION you would have known that if you ever made it to the seventh

Between the fact that I never made it to seventh grade and the fact that it was 1:00 something this morning, I made a mistake. :read2:

And, of course, Swift & Twain had a bit more skill in the rhetoric department than yours truly!

IMO, greed, sloth and ignorance are the main reasons we (America) are in this mess, and greed, sloth and ignorance seem to be growing at an exponential rate - far faster than I can run.
You are correct in that this really is a complex problem with no easy solutions, so it would indeed be better discussed over a beer with the music of a Hemi or two in the background.
Between the fact that I never made it to seventh grade and the fact that it was 1:00 something this morning, I made a mistake. :read2:

Just busting ballz...don't ever take anything i say seriously although i don't think you
I drove a crappy Camry around and it NEVER quit. Toyota make dependable cars. Just because theres a recall on one model...
Look how many American cars have recalls. There was some ridiculous nationalist post on FABO about only buying American cars and that all other cars were junk. Personally I'll stick with BMW, MERC, ASTON MARTIN, FERRARI, AUDI, VW.

Nationalistic narrow mindedness, allegiance for the sake of it. Ludicrous.
I drove a crappy Camry around and it NEVER quit. Toyota make dependable cars. Just because theres a recall on one model...
Look how many American cars have recalls. There was some ridiculous nationalist post on FABO about only buying American cars and that all other cars were junk. Personally I'll stick with BMW, MERC, ASTON MARTIN, FERRARI, AUDI, VW.

Nationalistic narrow mindedness, allegiance for the sake of it. Ludicrous.
I'll drive an American car until the day I die. I wouldn't take a foreign car for free, regardless of what make it was.

American cars are dependable too. I've driven 960,000 miles since 1982, and I NEVER had to walk home once.

I drove a crappy Camry around and it NEVER quit. Toyota make dependable cars. Just because theres a recall on one model...
Look how many American cars have recalls. There was some ridiculous nationalist post on FABO about only buying American cars and that all other cars were junk. Personally I'll stick with BMW, MERC, ASTON MARTIN, FERRARI, AUDI, VW.

Nationalistic narrow mindedness, allegiance for the sake of it. Ludicrous.

Talking about narrow mindedness. Sure sounds like that fits your opinion about American cars by your tone. As far as the ridiculous nationalist post I will agree it would be ridiculous to say that American cars are the only good cars. That's just advertising and it's done by the vast majority of auto makers.

BTW: There's more than one Toyota recalled. Funny how Toyota has covered up this problem to the point of the Gov't having to pull rank and demand they let them have access to the program that allows them to read the information in the black boxes.

And so what if you drove a crappy Camry around and it never quit. What does that prove? I have driven numerous American made cars around since I got my license in 1980 that never quit on me.
LMAO! This is freaking hilarious.

How's this for a downward spiral? A guy who worked in techinical support for a product with a US made chip but board made in Taiwan and other chips made in Ireland owns an US assembled truck (2001 Dodge Ram Off Road) with multiple parts outsourced from Japan loses his job to someone in an Indian call center and now has to turn in his truck and buy and old (89) Toyota (4Runner). He loads this truck up with a US made ladder to install equipment made and assembled in Taiwan and owned by Japan and now has to buy whatever is cheapest at Wally World to make ends meet. Those items are made in China. The springs sag so he buys new ones made in US. 40K miles of hard labor later, the truck burns a valve due to a short caused by the injector wiring harness rubbing on the fuel rail. He replaces it with a valve from NAPA made in the US and continues on to make more dough and climb back the ladder to success. He now owns three Mopars (74 Ramcharger, 72 Duster and a 92 Jeep Cherokee). The 74 RC has rods made in China (Eagle I-Beams), the Jeep has a Japanese alternator (and Lord knows what else) and the only 100% USA made vehicle he has is the Duster.

This guy is me. I'd buy all US if I could, but who makes rods good for 6K rpm here? Cranks? Callies makes a great crank but not for the 360. I'm using Ferrea Valves, who knows where they're from, but I'm thinking China. I bought some Eddy valve covers and they were made in Tiawan and of such poor quality I sent them back and bought Moroso's. Hell, no one here could be whining if they weren't on a Asian built computer and popping a chip and memory on a motherboard doesn't make your computer "Made in USA" either.

I personally knew someone who worked QC for Ford. It was BS that the "News" only focused on US recalls while ignoring Asian vehicles and it hurt the industry, but what really hurt the industry more than anything was the fkn mob run commie unions that ran the auto industry into the ground and turned Detroit into a ghost town. 140K a year to work on an assembly line is what killed Detroit. The free market spoke and the unions lost. Fk 'em. My RC was about the worst assembled vehicle I have ever owned. Missed spot welds, gaps in the body that allowed water in, tolerances in manufacture that are in no means acceptable in any year or make. I've spent years trying to make this truck what it should have been to start with, and don't even get me started on the busted transfer cases, bent drivelines and broke rear ends on my two NEW mopar trucks I've owned. Maybe I'm tougher on my trucks than most given where I live close to the mountains, or maybe not.

I will say that Mopar made the best of engines but their drivelines in the newer ('97-'01) trucks sucked.

Just food for thought. Oh, BTW, Smallblock Bill, what about all those Goldwings you own? LMAO!

There are no easy solutions.
I'm curious why the collecive you would only buy an American car?

Would you only buy a Harley-Davidson or Buell motorcycle?

Have you driven a high powered luxury BMW or Merc?

What about your tv's and dvd players and hi-fi's?

I understand the economic idea to buy one's own product.

It just baffles me!
I drive MOPAR's and I ride Harley's!


I've even got some American Pit Bull Terriers!!! LOL
I'm curious why the collecive you would only buy an American car?

Would you only buy a Harley-Davidson or Buell motorcycle?

Have you driven a high powered luxury BMW or Merc?

What about your tv's and dvd players and hi-fi's?

I understand the economic idea to buy one's own product.

It just baffles me!

For me it is about supporting our economy and yes I would only buy a Harley or Buell. As far as TV's, VCR's and so many other electronics we use, that's simple. Who in the USA makes them? Nobody that I know of.

Nope. Never drove a Beemer. No reason since I don't intend on buying one.

Supporting your countries economy baffles you?
How many tvs, car stereos and cell phones do you have to buy to equal the profits sent overseas of just one car?

I am not saying that we should not buy anything that is imported...I am saying that we should at least try to buy American....sometimes you get a better product AND price....I have!