So, you think you have snow. pics

They're saying another 4" tomorrow, more on Monday and another sizable storm on Thursday. We've had 4 storms in a month that were between 16" to 26" of snow,

My kids are going to be in school till all most July at this point and no longer have Presidents day off,
We got sleet here yesterday and the city shut down. At 4:00 it took me an hour to travel 8 miles through Birmingham, just because of traffic, not ice! By 6:00 it had warmed up to 40 degrees and melted - what a useless pain!

If we had snow like that, I would end up like Jack Nicholson at the end of The Shineing!
They're saying another 4" tomorrow, more on Monday and another sizable storm on Thursday. We've had 4 storms in a month that were between 16" to 26" of snow,

My kids are going to be in school till all most July at this point and no longer have Presidents day off,

All those storms that have hit you Adam, they leave you and have come here.

Glad I live on the other side of the country. Thats a lot of snow. I think we have had a total of two days of snow all winter. In fact I'm thinking of pulling the cuda out today and going for a ride. Having said that we will two feet next week. lol.
80 inches is hard to cope with, I am sure.

But the one we got Tuesday night, is the worst I have ever seen, anywhere in my 61 years. 24 inches and It was exaggerated by the 60 to 70 mph winds and the fact that it happened during the night. If it was during the day, you could keep up with it, but it was almost overwhelming the way it was.

this is our front door. I am glad I came out at 11 pm to clear the drive once, or the garage door would have been the same way.

The picture below is from this morning after what for us was a lot of snow yesterday and last night. We've had about 10 inches this week and more is predicted for tomorrow night. I don't mind driving on snow. It's just that we don't have, or need, much snow removal equipment. After a couple of days, the snow gets packed and icy. That's when the driving becomes treacherous.

i spent some time north of the arctic circle about 10years ago, and have seen and worked in more snow than that snow for months,it can be breathtaking beutifull aswell as a royal pain