So you thought you might hide in the crowd........


plum crazy dart

Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2012
Reaction score
agawam, ma
This picture was taken with a camera 70,000 x 30,000 pixels (2100 MegaPixels). It can identify a face in a multitude.

The cameras are not sold to the public and are being installed in strategic locations. (This one is in Canada)
Place the cursor in the multitude of people and
left double click a couple times.
It will continue to show the people much closer, when you double left click again
or click more if needed. Amazing!!

There were thousands of persons and yet one can spot and recognize any face.
Imagine what this means... both police and Army have it.

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Hope they get these in Philly before the Flyers get a Stanley Cup win :D :coffee2:
Sort of, it's stitched together from 210 photos. At 12 across, each equates to 5782 pixels across. So, it's around a 19mp camera that took 210 photos. About the same resolution as a fairly expensive new prosumer digital camera or a professional DSLR.
That was the (in)famous Stanley Cup riot in Vancouver BC Canada in 2011, after the Canucks ended up loosing Game 7 at home! They still haven't charged all the perps that were involved... Sad.
If you look at the lower right-hand corner, right above the corner of some type of structure (looks like a bus shelter) you'll see quite a few people with no legs, a couple sets of legs standing by themselves, and at least two people missing their entire heads! What kind of riot was this? (I know, its from the pictures being stitched together, but it's still kinda creepy!)