SoCal Car Club Looking for Members



Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2008
Reaction score
Palm Desert
Hey, I figured I'd see if anyone was interested.
I'm in a Southern California based car club called Drag'n Knight's. We've been around for 10 years, and all of our vehicles are Pre 75' American Powered Vehicles, we go to the drags together, swap meets, help each other out with projects, etc. A good bunch of guys, be we're always looking for new members. If this sounds like your cup of tea let me know, if you have any questions, let me know. Some of the club cars are projects, some of them even have 6 bangers, so don't be discouraged. If you want to check us out, I think you can look up Drag'n knights on Myspace. I'm pretty sure. Here's a rough list of club cars too.
70' Dart
65' Dart
70 Challenger
64' Tempest
70' Galaxie Wagon
66' Valiant
65' Impala
65' Coronet
70' Chevelle
70' Camaro
69' Nova
74' Laguna
I think there are a few more, but you get the picture.
So where exactly do you guys meet? I'm in L.A., so Palm Desert seems a long way from me...

I live in Long Beach, where are you meeting currently ? You are listed as Palm Desert which is aboout 100 miles away from LA.
Thanks for your interest.
Fortunaetly for you guys we usually meet in Orange County. The meetings are only quarterly which is helpful, though we usually have a club event (Shows, races etc.) about once a month. If you like, I can PM you guys our next meeting place or email me at [email protected].

Thanks again!

As far as the 76' is concerned. Come on down and check it out. Sometime rules are made to be broken.
If anyone is interested. We'll be holding our next meeting in Palm Desert on March 29th (Sunday) If anyone is interseted. PM me Please. We'd love to have you!
Thanks for the invite. Unfortunately, Palm Desert is a long haul from the LAX area where I live.