Soliciting phone calls....



FABO Gold Member
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
Just North of Montana
We all get calls from those annoying solicitors. Be it a scam or a credit card company or whatever. But yesterday I got a call from a local cell phone number on my cell phone. So I answered as I have a couple items for sale and thought it may be someone interested in my stuff. Nope! It was a credit card bullcrap call. Weird part is the local cell number. So I called the number back and spoke with a gentleman named Kerry! Ya it wasn't him that called but somehow they used his number! WTH??? If the call showed up as his number and lets pretend it came from Taiwan, is it billed to him? This is absolute bull$h!t. I don't know how this works but I think the phone companies should be able to prevent at least this! OK this is a short rant about a real pet peeve of mine. :banghead:
VOIP call, you can program in any caller ID you want depending on your carrier and/or how well a person can hack xml script. There are other ways too, but I won't say on a public forum. I worked as systems engineer for a VOIP provider and part of my job was catching/blocking these creeps.
these guys are scum sucking bottom feeders i get this **** all the time and yes it pisses me off to im not very nice to them if i am luckey enough to get a real person on the other end and if they have an off shore accent it only adds fuel to the fire.
Not quite the same deal, but I thought this would be a could place to mention it.... Had a call a couple weeks ago saying they were with the US Treasury and wanted to give me a grant. The guy had a heavy accent (not sure from where -eastern, indian, ?), but was very pleasant and wanted to send me money. I listened for a couple minutes as he told me how the government was selecting individuals who paid their bills and taxes etc and sending them grant money. Sounded real good till he started asking for account #'s where "they could deposit the money" Really? I was born at night, but it wasn't last night. Apparently people are still falling for this crap or they wouldnt do it. I asked him if he could put it on a Visa gift card (of course I knew the answer) As he was rambling through the types of accounts he could use to 'process my grant' (AKA -clean me out) for the second time, I interupted him to tell him he was full of $hit and then I hung up. This call was on my landline, but my wife had a similar call on her cell phone last week from a diff #, so apparently its a popular scam right now.
You know not every job is glamorous! We dont like catching you when your busy or during dinner. But in order to keep our jobs to put food on our kids tables we have to make those calls. If we had a crystal ball to see that you are taking a dump or just sitting down to eat trust me we wouldn't call.
It sure is funny though, those calls always come at supper time, like between 5 and 8 PM. You can put your number on the National No Call List. It helps, but it does not stop them altogether.
It sure is funny though, those calls always come at supper time, like between 5 and 8 PM. You can put your number on the National No Call List. It helps, but it does not stop them altogether.

Yes you can do that. But FYI that list is then turned around and SOLD to companies for big dollars but your US government.
That concerns me naught. All this lately about the gubmint havin access to our phones is all a bunch of hooha. They've been able to do all that for thirty years or more. It's much ado about nothing. It's all a big smoke screen to cover up something else bigger. Just another ploy to keep the sheeple the sheeple that they are.

Whenever a telemarketer does get through, I just hang up.
I usually listen to their whole presentation (let them waste their time), and then say no thanks.
Or better yet, as a lot of questions, some being completely irrelevant. Some personal. lol once you get them off script the fun really starts! ;)
I always ask them if they want to buy Girlscout cookies before we discuss anything any further.....they always hang up!
I used to like to screw with em. (Back when landlines were infested)

Guy calls, selling insurance, 'er some dam thing

"Oh," I says, "My wife REALLY would be interested, but she'll be a minute, can you wait?"

So I stretch that out about as far as I think, and tell him, "she's just about done, she'll be here in a moment, but she really wants to see about this"

Stretch THAT out, then get on the phone

"Oh, I'm sorry, I don't know what I'm thinking. I don't HAVE a wife!!!!"
I used to like to screw with em. (Back when landlines were infested)

Guy calls, selling insurance, 'er some dam thing

"Oh," I says, "My wife REALLY would be interested, but she'll be a minute, can you wait?"

So I stretch that out about as far as I think, and tell him, "she's just about done, she'll be here in a moment, but she really wants to see about this"

Stretch THAT out, then get on the phone

"Oh, I'm sorry, I don't know what I'm thinking. I don't HAVE a wife!!!!"
:toothy7::toothy7: I am going to remember this one :cheers:

One time a widow company called me for a home energy savings the government is helping home owners and I told them I am a window company owner operator, and asked about this new law for my business :toothy7:
Never to hear back from them again :toothy7:
I've drug em on for as long as possible, when it comes time to close the deal, put the phone down and yell across the room "Mom! This guy on the phone needs your credit card info!"

Suprisingly, no one on the phone when I pick it back up

Also, years ago, had my apartment building scheduled for a re-roofing one time, that was fun to watch from the patio....truck driving around looking for the address, took him at least 10 minutes to figure out what happend :)
I don't answer calls I don't recognize the number to on the caller ID. If some one really want to get ahold of me they'll leave a message, I don't have this problem. Pretty easy to deal with really.
Yes you can do that. But FYI that list is then turned around and SOLD to companies for big dollars but your US government.

Why would anyone buy them, all you need is a number generator to churn out numbers to a auto dialer. Use a pre-recorded message to the ones that answer. The way to hurt them is burn their "air time", if you keep the line open they can't call the next guy and have to pay for the use of the air time. I set the phone down and walk away while the message runs. Come back and hang up when he's done.
I had some broad call me one night, "with somethin" and I took a breath and said, "This is an unlisted, unpublished U.S. Government number which is for official use only, and you are not supposed to have this number"

and I could not BELIEVE the "I'm sorry sir, we'll remove this ......etc" I must admit I haven't heard from THEM again, LOL
This guy is great. He's a comedian name is Tom Mabe.
He pulls pranks on telemarketers. This ones pretty funny.

[ame=""]How to deal with a Telemarketer by Tom Mabe - YouTube[/ame]