Some people need their *** whipped

Right there is the problem. Kid's are told today that their parents can't do this and can be prosecuted. Institutions like law enforcement, social services, schools etc back it up.

I have had my kids tell me the same thing, "you can't touch me or I can call the law". Taught to them by teachers in school.

When I was a kid and I got mouthy, I got popped, and was made to understand why. I have never held it against my parents, in fact later in life I thanked my Dad (RIP) for doing exactly what he did.

My step kids told me that so I drove them a half mile down Willow ave from where I lived to show them the boy's home in Lansing , walked them up to the door and asked the person who answered if he had room for 2 more cause if either of them ever spoke to me like that again they would be moving there while I did my time in jail so could they please have a tour of their new home. I them took them back home beat both there asses and handed them the phone ,they decided they were better off not being aholes where they were than the alternative .
My step kids told me that so I drove them a half mile down Willow ave from where I lived to show them the boy's home in Lansing , walked them up to the door and asked the person who answered if he had room for 2 more cause if either of them ever spoke to me like that again they would be moving there while I did my time in jail so could they please have a tour of their new home. I them took them back home beat both there asses and handed them the phone ,they decided they were better off not being aholes where they were than the alternative .

Similar here, one of the daughters got extremely belligerent and we put here in her place, she then said she was going to call the police. I said wait a minute and I'll do it for you. We did and when the trooper got here and talked with both of us and the daughter, he then proceeded to have a conversation with her that didn't support what she had been told in school, much to her amazement.
Riiiiight. And alcohol is legal why? Good God,having a disabilty,I know what a cruel world this really is. People act upon thier base instinct's all the time,especially when alcohol strips away what little candy coating there was.

But I usually get called a whiner,not a retard..

Too bad I wasnt there. I woulda bashed his head in with my cane.
How much of the "non-physical consequence" Mentality do you think is due to the internet generation? Most adults grew up in a time where a smart *** remark could get you punched in the mouth. Today, not so much. The ambiguity of the internet is creating a generation of self-centered asshats that have no grasp on what is socially acceptable in actual reality.

Actually, it's the baby boomers who are the ones that started this whole thing. I'm 20, both of my parents are right about 50, born on the tail end of the BB generation. Their older siblings are the one's that started this with the whole woodstock free love of the 70s. And the kids who were born in the 40s had the kids starting in the mid 60s early 70s who then grew up in the 80s and then the whole thing started going down hill from there. Are the idiots who are only a few years older than me to blame? Hell yeah, but the parents are aslo to blame. Really with the amount of people here that say they raised their kids right I'm absolutely amazed at how far we've come from then till now. Seriously, all the sheltering is ridiculous and most of it can attributed to my parents or the parents of the people 10 years older than me. :wack:
back to *** whippin's

i worked with a guy. his sister was married to this guy that kept beating the crap out of her. black eyes, bruises everywhere, etc.

jeff knew what time the guy got home from work each day. one day jeff was waiting, when he came around the corner POP right in the knees with a baseball bat. broke one of his brother-in-law's knees. Jeff told him you ever touch my sister again it will be worse.
he never beat her again and 20-some years later they are happily married.
Thanks for the idea if that ever happens to my sister. :thumbrig:
Well, if it worked, good for him. I wouldn't put up with someone beatin on my sister either, if I had one.

But what I really want to know is why do a lot of people from MD, like the bat to the knee thing? I used to hang out with a guy from Baltimore and that was his solution to everything. LOL
Wow, people sure can be assholes. Had a happy ending though, no doubt that young girl will remember that forever....
My step kids told me that so I drove them a half mile down Willow ave from where I lived to show them the boy's home in Lansing , walked them up to the door and asked the person who answered if he had room for 2 more cause if either of them ever spoke to me like that again they would be moving there while I did my time in jail so could they please have a tour of their new home. I them took them back home beat both there asses and handed them the phone ,they decided they were better off not being aholes where they were than the alternative .

So no NEED to whip their butts, correct ?

Oh you did beat them still, ugh
I was hit a little--not a whole lot, and I still feel I learn right from wrong. My old man had us write a thousand times what we were never to do again, it work more for me vs my brother, so he got it with the belt more then I ever did. Clothes on, just hit everywhere expect the butt, lol

We got grounded, lost privileges like no more getting drop off at a friends place. A whipping wore off after a day or so, being grounded for 1 to 2 weeks was ugh

I really see no need to infect pain unless its the last resort
I was hit a little--not a whole lot, and I still feel I learn right from wrong. My old man had us write a thousand times what we were never to do again, it work more for me vs my brother, so he got it with the belt more then I ever did. Clothes on, just hit everywhere expect the butt, lol

We got grounded, lost privileges like no more getting drop off at a friends place. A whipping wore off after a day or so, being grounded for 1 to 2 weeks was ugh

I really see no need to infect pain unless its the last resort

Man I wish you had been my dad.
A guy I worked with at the PO in NJ had a "problem child". Kid called the law on Joe once. Next time the kid acted up Joe paid the neighbor hood bad *** $20 to thump his kid. Went on and on for years, kid starting fires etc. Joe and his wife finally had enough and signed away there parental rights, kid ended up in foster care. Took all of a month or so and he was in a detention center somewhere. Joe had 3 other kids, and they were all outstanding children. Straight A's, never any trouble in school or with other kids.....
I was hit a little--not a whole lot, and I still feel I learn right from wrong. My old man had us write a thousand times what we were never to do again, it work more for me vs my brother, so he got it with the belt more then I ever did. Clothes on, just hit everywhere expect the butt, lol

We got grounded, lost privileges like no more getting drop off at a friends place. A whipping wore off after a day or so, being grounded for 1 to 2 weeks was ugh

I really see no need to infect pain unless its the last resort

Well I don't think any of us are condoning beating our children, but sometimes they need a wake up call. I can count on one hand the times my Dad smacked me and I still remember to this day what each and every one of them was for. I deserved it and I knew it. One time my Dad went to pop me across the lips because I was being mouthy and missed and hit me in the eye, slightly bruising my eye. He felt so bad when the bruising appeared that he sat me down and apologized making me understand that was not his intention. I told him not to worry about it, that I deserved it. I was six at the time. I will never forget. He taught me to be respectful.

I had and still have a great deal of respect for him even though he isn't with me anymore, and I firmly believe that it's because of the few wake up calls he gave me. Thanks Dad.

AND it was always a last resort, because I had plenty of warnings before hand. Grounding me never worked, I never learned from it.
A guy I worked with at the PO in NJ had a "problem child". Kid called the law on Joe once. Next time the kid acted up Joe paid the neighbor hood bad *** $20 to thump his kid. Went on and on for years, kid starting fires etc. Joe and his wife finally had enough and signed away there parental rights, kid ended up in foster care. Took all of a month or so and he was in a detention center somewhere. Joe had 3 other kids, and they were all outstanding children. Straight A's, never any trouble in school or with other kids.....

yeah i worked with another guy... he and his wife could not have kids, so they adopted two boys from romania. they were brothers at an orphanage, so they adopted them together as toddlers.

the younger one was well behaved, straight A student, wonderful child. the other one was always in trouble. skipping school hanging out with friends doign drugs. got so bad they put him in a boys school. he ran away from there several times they sent him home. was doing drugs constantly, stealing, etc. he disappeared for a few months they got a call he was picked up by the cops all drugged up on a park bench in manassas va and was using the tube from the middle of a pen, sharpened at the end to shoot up drugs with. they raised both boys the same, and could never figure out why the one went so bad.
My mom washed our mouths out with soap once or twice, Ivory soap that tasted yuk Mom was pretty strong surprisingly, I tried getting away but couldn't, this was around 14--15 years old. I did learn not to swear too much, ha ha

OH now I recall, saving cream and ivory soap, she sprayed our mouths with shaving cream, and used the brush on the soap and then inside our mouths
Well I don't think any of us are condoning beating our children, but sometimes they need a wake up call. I can count on one hand the times my Dad smacked me and I still remember to this day what each and every one of them was for. I deserved it and I knew it. One time my Dad went to pop me across the lips because I was being mouthy and missed and hit me in the eye, slightly bruising my eye. He felt so bad when the bruising appeared that he sat me down and apologized making me understand that was not his intention. I told him not to worry about it, that I deserved it. I was six at the time. I will never forget. He taught me to be respectful.

I had and still have a great deal of respect for him even though he isn't with me anymore, and I firmly believe that it's because of the few wake up calls he gave me. Thanks Dad.

AND it was always a last resort, because I had plenty of warnings before hand. Grounding me never worked, I never learned from it.

Heck today that could be big time trouble from the law. Yeah it can be a fine line between abuse and discipline, things are today too much on the kids side. If a 6 year old showed up to school with a fat lip-black eye, questions would be asked and charges likely could follow. Too many parents do get charged with abuse when just in the past it was just watched and see. If it was only the one time, no longtime injury, then it was no big deal

Today its rush them to ER and have all these test done and all this bull about what could have happen--just like with drunk drivers when no accident did happen.
Being the father of a special needs kid, I would not have been able to keep my cool in that situation. There WOULD have been beatings.
Those college kids could use a shank or knife in their spines. Then when they are permanently in a wheelchair, they won't make fun of other people's disabilities/differences...
I can kind of relate. My oldest son is now 5 and was born without his left hand, I mean he has nothing below the wrist. Kids can be cruel and I can understand that, but it makes my blood boil when an adult stares at it and whispers to their friend about it or even makes a stupid comment about it. There have been a couple of times already when my wife has had to physically hold me back from making a scene.

It almost brings me to tears, because for the longest time he thought his hand would grow, he has now finally realized that it won't. If you try to talk to him about it, he just changes the subject.

He is the best kid and is super athletic and smart. I feel very blessed, because I know there are many kids out there much worse off.
Drunk punks are unsafe to themselves. They do fall down and get some very nasty wounds all due to the fact that they bit off more than they could handle in more ways than one.
Small Block
Drunk punks are unsafe to themselves. They do fall down and get some very nasty wounds all due to the fact that they bit off more than they could handle in more ways than one.
Small Block

Yup. Same thing happens to thieves,they "fall" a lot,lol...

Damn it I'm still mad about this! I wanna hurt that asshole.
I can kind of relate. My oldest son is now 5 and was born without his left hand, I mean he has nothing below the wrist. Kids can be cruel and I can understand that, but it makes my blood boil when an adult stares at it and whispers to their friend about it or even makes a stupid comment about it. There have been a couple of times already when my wife has had to physically hold me back from making a scene.

It almost brings me to tears, because for the longest time he thought his hand would grow, he has now finally realized that it won't. If you try to talk to him about it, he just changes the subject.

He is the best kid and is super athletic and smart. I feel very blessed, because I know there are many kids out there much worse off.

I'm surprised that with your fabrication abilities, that you haven't made him a prosthetic hand in your shop and got him a pair of nice "dirt bike riding gloves".

Of course I say that in the best way possible, no offense intended.
I'm surprised that with your fabrication abilities, that you haven't made him a prosthetic hand in your shop and got him a pair of nice "dirt bike riding gloves".

Of course I say that in the best way possible, no offense intended.

Someone beat him to it. I think it was the germans. Remember seeing a robotic/prosthetic hand that responded to brain input somehow.
[ame=""]New robotic hand 'can feel' - YouTube[/ame]