some people need to die!



May 3, 2008
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st . charles , missouri
so i move to stcharles from a crap naborhood where i got robbed 2 years ago and i had my stuff for my band in a shead place to pratice. 2 weeks after i moved i to stcharles my band stuff got stolen . well why im telling you this is because . i move in with my girl if a place that has bad days and good days cause she things florissant is not that bad . i just got a call from her saying that the appartmen place called and said some one broke in to our place and now i have to take off from work and go see whats gone . thats 3 time in the last 3 years i have been f**king jacked. what the hell . i still paying for the stuff that got jacked from my band for the next 3 years . good thing car is hard to start if you never drove it . :protest::evil::angry5::angry4::angryfir::dontknow::naka::help::axe::violent2::violent1::cussing:
people like that need there hands cut off. hope you catch them. my neighbor got ripped off,they carried a trans and transfer case out of his back yard.
well we got home 'and nothing was taken.........

door busted in and that was it .

the nabors apartment was jacked all to hell thow.

so i guess he did something f'ed up and they were after him . and when they came in our place and seen all the kid **** they were like oops wrong place...

cause they cleaned him out .

i only have 3 or 4 more months left here . then we are moving to a house with a 2 car garage. i cant wait .

but no its noone i know .

the first time , yeah , some kid acted like he was cool with us . just checking out when we were ther and wernt i think now. and i told the cops his name and they told me " i wouldnt do anything being a wite boy from st. charles " and i said thats why im telling you .
and they got tv's , computers, dvds,dvd players, lawn mower , and ect. about 5,000 worth of stuff .

the band stuff . maby the storage people had somthing to do with it because the code lock gate didnt work that night ........ and 3 bands got hit . coming to a total of 26,000 buck worth of sutff!

i wish i was home when all of this happened cause one foot in my dor means one hole in their head.
I think its ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS to say they should die. Shame on you!! A nice long painful torture would be much more fitting :snakeman:
That really sucks.. It seems it is getting worst lately.. We got hit at the shop a month ago and that makes it about 5 times in the last 6 years,,,, Hope oyu can catch the little bastards who is doing thin in your area.. We put in a servailance camera and tape all that goes on there after we leave... Best of luck.
I got hit twice a number of years ago when I lived in Texas. Middle of the day, they broke in and took a 50" projection TV, AV Receiver, digital processor, DVD player, Laser Disc player, Sub Woofer, CDs and DVDs. The insurance co paid the claim in new product, but it was still quite the pisser. I know how you feel...but I believe that death is too good a punishment. I think they should be tortured to death, revived and do it all over many times as it takes to mangle the body while they are conscious, and screaming the whole time.
93 Had a guy brerak into my garage, caught him, called police, he was arrested charged went to court. Court let him off because of first offence.

Next year I catch him again, shot him in the knees with 3 rounds of Mag-safe, call police he is arrested, taken to hosp, found guilty and got 30 days.

He now is seen around town limping away and is too slow to try breaking into anything.

He is now on SS disability and just steals anything he can get his hands on...and people feel sorry for the poor guy... but he will not even limp past my place anymore.:cheers:
oh yippie.... OHD is here..:bs:

Why didnt the guy sue you for disabling him? First rule of being a vigilant is to make sure the person is incapacitated. You opened yourself up for a total lawsuit. If the story is true you got real lucky. I dont know that I would brag about that story at all.
He is now on SS disability and just steals anything he can get his hands on...and people feel sorry for the poor guy... but he will not even limp past my place anymore.:cheers:

And Im sure your neighbors are more then happy to be paying his disability checks every month because you decided to play Johny law.
yeah my nabor came over and asked if we got hit , i said just the door kicked in till they knew it was not your house . eh was like bla....... i then said maybe you should clean up your life quit the drugs and maybe people would not be after you like this . we have a 3 year old what do you tell your 3yr old when she sees the door all broke in ? he had no answer .
"Why didnt the guy sue you for disabling him? First rule of being a vigilant is to make sure the person is incapacitated. You opened yourself up for a total lawsuit. If the story is true you got real lucky. I dont know that I would brag about that story at all." From esteemed member RPM

He tried and LOST. See even ultra liberals realize a total looser when they encounter one. I tired the system then I used the system, (the thing to remember about punishment is that is meant to CURB or ALTER behavior).......seems my poor marksmanship did....:bootysha:

As to the other attempt at a little dig, the doucebag is on "mental & booze related SSI" and my neighbors love the fact that he no longer randomly breaks in daily and steals anything he could PAWN...:cheers:,

Where ya live, I will pay to relocate him into your area....that way you can be his pal...:-D
"Why didnt the guy sue you for disabling him? First rule of being a vigilant is to make sure the person is incapacitated. You opened yourself up for a total lawsuit. If the story is true you got real lucky. I dont know that I would brag about that story at all." From esteemed member RPM

He tried and LOST. See even ultra liberals realize a total looser when they encounter one. I tired the system then I used the system, (the thing to remember about punishment is that is meant to CURB or ALTER behavior).......seems my poor marksmanship did....:bootysha:


I really dont want to hi-jack a thread but come on OHD !!

First I will commend you for saying you use Mag-safe but it took you 3 rounds and only caused him some leg wobble ? This tells me you shouldnt even own a gun. Do everyone a favor an throw it away. Rule in personal protection is that if there is a intruder in your premises then you need to do away with the intruder. If you have a gun you shoot to kill. If that guy would have had a gun he would have shot you dead. I know I would have. 3 rounds of mag safe to the legs wont stop a intruder cranked up on drugs either. If you didnt get sued for mortally disabling a human being then you are the luckiest man alive or you paid off the Judge. Did you say he was found guilty and only got 30 days ??? What legal system are you in anyways ? The one of make believe ? Please dont let your obnoxious and pompas lies spill over into forums other than where its liked.... in the political forum.

as for pittman455 I agree with you that these people should be done away with. No repspect for anothers property and well being. I am sorry you and the 3 year old has to go through this as well. Good luck and hope it gets better for ya.

the "esteemed" RPM
I was hit at the old home place this summer
And the old coot sold my car that we went to court over
and the law did nothing to him, He just told the judge it was disposed of.
As most members here know I am retired and I have the time to take on a thief and sniff him out. I found my motors at a salvage yard and they gave them back to me and the thief was caught on camera on the scales.
And the 63 valiant was on main street in Truman Ark for sale for two weeks I was told 8)and found it at an old mans house.
I have a note on the two doors at the old home place KEEP OUT!!
and in small print it reads come on in and see what I have for you today.
I have learned that if someone enters your home shoot to kill so we won't get sued by him. If I was to take him down by shooting him in the nee caps he still could pull a gun and shoot back at me and my wife and children if they was here. He chose to take the chance and he would make the wrong dissection if one was to come up the hill and in my home with me here.
I live on a dead end road so I don't think I will have to worry about
a smart thief Just a dumb one.:-D
yeah i found some of the band stuff by some one telling me they seen it at a pawn shop.
so i went up there and asked if they had a mesa gutiar amp up there cause my friend seen one there for 400 bucks and "i been wanting to buy one" , they guy there said no we just sold it yesterday , so i asked "well mine just got stolen from me do you have the #'s off it so i can see itf it was mine " he said they dont keep that stuff . so i called the cops and they went up there and it was mine but who ever bought it payed cash so they have no way of tracking him down . that mesa coust me 3000 bucks on a loan im stll paying for 3 years later.

it just sucks that i have to keep paying for somthing i do not own anymore.
yeah i found some of the band stuff by some one telling me they seen it at a pawn shop.
so i went up there and asked if they had a mesa gutiar amp up there cause my friend seen one there for 400 bucks and "i been wanting to buy one" , they guy there said no we just sold it yesterday , so i asked "well mine just got stolen from me do you have the #'s off it so i can see itf it was mine " he said they dont keep that stuff . so i called the cops and they went up there and it was mine but who ever bought it payed cash so they have no way of tracking him down . that mesa coust me 3000 bucks on a loan im stll paying for 3 years later.

it just sucks that i have to keep paying for somthing i do not own anymore.

I hate thieves.
I hardly trust anyone anymore, and I haven't had anything stolen [that I know of] because of this, I also make nice with all my neighbors and we watch each others houses. When you pawn something they make out a slip and should have a copy of it, but because they know most of the stuff they get is stolen they don't release the info cause I'm sure it cut there business in half with all their 'regulars' getting popped.
yeah like i said when the cop went up there they some how found the #'s and arested the guy who pawned all the stuff there. i asked if i could just get his name and adress and we all could just take care of it ... but no go...
HA HA HA rpm, now run over to the other thread and play your games with the other poster, poser.

mag safe ammo, when used correctly, is used to disable....and it did......just try using tri dot night sights, against a moving target...:cheers:
I have been taught to take two shots; 1st to the center of mass; 2nd to the head.
i have been tought to unload. life cost more to me than 12 rounds. and i dont care for others lives if it means someone taking mine of my familys.
even in canada we know to double tap to the center of mass then one to the head only one person telling the story afterwards makes life a lot easier and sure as hell I'm going to be that one person. last time I got hit they stole some rare pool cues from a buddy's truck in my back yard ,we went to all four of the local pawn shops and let them know those cues would be recognized anywhere in north america and when we track them back, whoever bought them from the crackhead and didnt call us was going to live a very shitty life ,8 days later a pawnshop called with all six cues no charge sorry about the mix up and heres who sold them to us , Karma's a real ***** - moral of the story don't expect help from the cops or the guy's who make their living off this stuff they only understand one thing ,round up everybody you know go into the store and lock the door behind you {that tends to get their attention} then politely explain that you are expecting to recover your lost property in a calm non threatening manner and give them a phone number then leave you just might be surprised how helpful they can be when they realize you have a lot of friends willing the go the distance for you. We did this in Ontario and the reason the cops were no help was as it turned out several of them were the ones pulling most of the rip offs one of them even took a truck from impound and was caught by locals throwing lawn furniture into it over the fence of a home improvement store after hours ,I've lived in the US and these assholes are the same everywhere its back to the old times when you have to go out and protect yourself and like I said before make sure there's only one person telling the story and it's you - good luck and good day eh