Something you never want to see on a scan of your wife's lung



Well-Known Member
May 11, 2012
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Ladson, Sc
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It's the ugly POS in the circle.......that's lung cancer :banghead:.

This was from a PT scan previously done. A PET scan was done since and there was some concern about spread to surrounding lymph nodes. Well today was a bronchoscopy and thankfully, even though the tumor is malignant, there was no spread. Her case has been turned over to a surgeon to evaluate the best course of action for removal. Hope to have info on that soon and the Doc thinks a full recovery is a good chance. We're using the Hollings Cancer Center at the Medical University of Sc. mainly because we have no insurance and her medicare doesn't kick in until Feb. 1. Some timing huh. It looks to be a top notch facility so i'm happy about that..........We were lucky to find this when we did. She had started a new part time job and was back on her feet all shift when shortly after, her feet and ankles swelled. Thought it was just getting used to it, but then a rash broke out in the same area. Off to the clinic and they did a chest x-ray to look at her heart and bingo....what's that? Then, as crazy as it sounds, her fingernails started get big and round, almost like clubbing. Turns out these symtoms are found in people with lung cancer......who knew? Thank's for letting me get this off my chest, no pun:D, it's been going on for about a month and a half and at least there's light at the end of the tunnel.......Stay as healthy as you can everyone, Rick
Man that terrible.... Thanks for showing your wife's chest to us!!! (Poor attempt at humor) be strong for her bro... Prayers for her.
oh my gosh......I wish nothing but the best for her, and I will be thinking of you in my thoughts and prayers.
i feel your pain... my girlfriend of 7 yrs was diagnosed with a "giant cell bone tumor" in january of last year. her wrist started to hurt and swell. the doc she saw said it was tendinitis and gave her a cortizone shot. two months later same thing, same treatment. she was at work and the chair she sat in broke and she fell. they took her to the emergency room and they did an x-ray and found the tumor. it had eaten the bottom 4" of her forarm bones and was attacking her wrist. she has been on an experimental drug now for 6 months that is shrinking the tumor and regrowing bone. the injections are compared to chemo as far as the side effects. it is very tough to watch you loved ones suffer and not be able to help them. stay strong for the two of you! you will be in our prayers.
Thanks for the prayers guys, and sent right back to you younggun and your girl....that's horrible, hope the treatment keeps working.

I really hesitated to post as i hate to see threads like this. I guess with a family the size of FABO and our demographics it's inevitable.
Prayers sent for a full and speedy recovery. They have come a long way in the treatment of lung cancer and when caught early enough the chances of a full recovery are very good. Her Dr seems to believe so.
Rick Prayers are sent. My Grandfather had the same thing. They removed it but after a few months they found it spread to the rest of his body and ultimately what killed him. I know thats not what you want to hear but....
You and her are in my prayers
Rick quote: I really hesitated to post as i hate to see threads like this. I guess with a family the size of FABO and our demographics it's inevitable.

Yea and sometimes we cringe at these types of threads also but then when you consider the info factor of being able to see these little nasties or when a member needs a slap on the back to keep at it or worse case a need to be consoled when it just doesn't work out, then I don't have a problem with these types of threads. Kind of like stepping out of the box and looking at the situation from the members standpoint.
Anyway good luck to you and the misses Rick.
I come from a cancer ridden family tree, The big "C" has claimed so many of my
family , many many prayers for your wife and family . It is always great news when anyone beats the "C" . I really hope your wife beats the the hell out of this illness.

Best wishes, prayers and luck.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife. All considered it sounds like you have a positive prognosis. This stuff can be beat. My neighbor had lung cancer about 10 years ago and has beat it all these years.
Prayers sent, we recently went through this with my grandmother. Wishing a speedy recovery for your wife!
Man that terrible.... Thanks for showing your wife's chest to us!!! (Poor attempt at humor) be strong for her bro... Prayers for her.

Thanks to all that i haven't thanked. I love the humor, helps get me thru the She's pretty much down for the count tonight recovering from the drugs she had for the test. Tomorrow i'll let her know that i posted her chest was on the net and she'll crack up.:thumblef:
Prayers is always a good thing to ask for...prayers sent for your wife's recovery.
Certainly hope the results/outcome from treatment are positive.
Cancer is an ugly word. But keep the faith, my mom beat cancer over 41 years ago only to be dealt alzhiemers. Prayers sent.
continued prayers for you and Linda , Rick, hang in there bud, its all going to work out for Linda. you guys can overcome this.
Again thank you all for the support. As a generally private person and one that has never belonged to a public forum other then this one, this means the world to me. You guys are great........I will update when we have more news, but i'm ready to call it a day. Goodnight everyone.