Something you never want to see on a scan of your wife's lung

Prayers to you, your wife, and the physicians that are attending to her. Brother-in-law in IL just completed lung cancer treatment and a bone marrow transfer. He seems to be doing OK.

Thanks for sharing. Thanks to the FABO admins for not sending the photo of your wife's chest to the Blue Forum. lol
Prayers to you, your wife, and the physicians that are attending to her. Brother-in-law in IL just completed lung cancer treatment and a bone marrow transfer. He seems to be doing OK.

Thanks for sharing. Thanks to the FABO admins for not sending the photo of your wife's chest to the Blue Forum. lol

prayers send i know the pain my dad is going though his third time with cancer again along with his heart surgeny its being a crazy 2 months prayers sent ..................
Hey, bud.

You know I'm here for you - the both of you. You need to call, call.

Someone here posted up, "stay strong." And that's true. Stay strong, Rick. But don't be afraid to get away and let yourself crack, either. It's something I wish I would have done more of in hindsight, but my make-up wouldn't let me. Tears of anger, tears of pain, tears of frustration, tears of joy, tears of relief, can help give you the strength you need to help her through this.

I know you said you're a private person, but you need friends with this. Friends to just BS with and draw your mind away from things, who might offer some guidance, friends you can lean on. Don't be afraid to reach out.

Use this thread like I used mine, too, Rick. Write it out. Get it out there.

You told me that my thread here, updated throughout the summer, brought a connection to Sarah and I - two strangers - and for every celebration and joy we had with each new step along the way you celebrated, too. Don't be afraid to do the same and let someone else form that connection with you and Linda.

Heavenly Father, this thread was started by a man who's heart is struggling now to find balance. Balance to know that this disease kills so many, but tempered by the hope of medical science that has progressed to the point that this disease can be beaten.

Father, we come to you now in prayer to lift up Rick and Linda, to hold them and comfort them, to give them the strength they need. They will face trials and joys throughout the process, Father, and we ask that You be with them every step of the way.

Father, we know the ultimate healing lies in You. A healing of the body, a healing of the mind, a healing of the soul. We ask that, now, You bring that healing. Calm them, Father, give them Your resolve, Your courage, and Your peace.

Be with the medical staff, Father, and lend them wisdom and guidance. Help them along the way to offer the proper medical advice and to give make the proper decisions.

We ask this Jesus' name. Amen.

Rick, just one of many prayers heading your's and Linda's way. There's many more coming.

Keep us in the loop, bud.
Heavenly Father, this thread was started by a man who's heart is struggling now to find balance. Balance to know that this disease kills so many, but tempered by the hope of medical science that has progressed to the point that this disease can be beaten.

Father, we come to you now in prayer to lift up Rick and Linda, to hold them and comfort them, to give them the strength they need. They will face trials and joys throughout the process, Father, and we ask that You be with them every step of the way.

Father, we know the ultimate healing lies in You. A healing of the body, a healing of the mind, a healing of the soul. We ask that, now, You bring that healing. Calm them, Father, give them Your resolve, Your courage, and Your peace.

Be with the medical staff, Father, and lend them wisdom and guidance. Help them along the way to offer the proper medical advice and to give make the proper decisions.

We ask this Jesus' name. Amen.
Rick be strong for her you are her rock. I know it is hard but this is one thing you have to do. I have gone through this four times with my wife. so be strong for her and prayer are sent
Rick, prayers on the way for your wife, you, and your entire family. Your FABO family is here for support.
Hang in there. My wife is a 15+ year breast cancer survivor so I know the "Big C" can be beaten.
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It's the ugly POS in the circle.......that's lung cancer :banghead:.

This was from a PT scan previously done. A PET scan was done since and there was some concern about spread to surrounding lymph nodes. Well today was a bronchoscopy and thankfully, even though the tumor is malignant, there was no spread. Her case has been turned over to a surgeon to evaluate the best course of action for removal. Hope to have info on that soon and the Doc thinks a full recovery is a good chance. We're using the Hollings Cancer Center at the Medical University of Sc. mainly because we have no insurance and her medicare doesn't kick in until Feb. 1. Some timing huh. It looks to be a top notch facility so i'm happy about that..........We were lucky to find this when we did. She had started a new part time job and was back on her feet all shift when shortly after, her feet and ankles swelled. Thought it was just getting used to it, but then a rash broke out in the same area. Off to the clinic and they did a chest x-ray to look at her heart and bingo....what's that? Then, as crazy as it sounds, her fingernails started get big and round, almost like clubbing. Turns out these symtoms are found in people with lung cancer......who knew? Thank's for letting me get this off my chest, no pun:D, it's been going on for about a month and a half and at least there's light at the end of the tunnel.......Stay as healthy as you can everyone, Rick

i feel your pain... my girlfriend of 7 yrs was diagnosed with a "giant cell bone tumor" in january of last year. her wrist started to hurt and swell. the doc she saw said it was tendinitis and gave her a cortizone shot. two months later same thing, same treatment. she was at work and the chair she sat in broke and she fell. they took her to the emergency room and they did an x-ray and found the tumor. it had eaten the bottom 4" of her forarm bones and was attacking her wrist. she has been on an experimental drug now for 6 months that is shrinking the tumor and regrowing bone. the injections are compared to chemo as far as the side effects. it is very tough to watch you loved ones suffer and not be able to help them. stay strong for the two of you! you will be in our prayers.

WOW I am sorry to read this about both of you.Prayers for both families that everything is healed successfully and Cured.
Cancer....what a nasty f**king word. My wife had breast cancer, it was caught very early and has had no troubles since. My mother had the lower thirds of both of her lungs taken out thanks to this nasty crap. It is very beatable with today's technology. Wishing the best for her.....and you....
kepp strong egough for both of yah rick prayers go out for you , your family ,and X2 for your wife hope she beats it like a dog stealin chickens GL for all of yahs
I have lung issues (COPD?) and have started breathing diluted 35% food grade Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) diluted to 3% with distliied water with a nebulizer. That is because the only doctor locally who was doing H2O2 via IV was told by the state to stop. H2O2 is supposed to kill off cancer. A friend with a brain tumor is also trying it as well.

Not a doctor, just saying. Look it up. Best of luck. That is terrible news.
Thanks again for all the reply's. We'll just try to keep some sense of normalcy until the next phase takes place.....soon i hope. I'm staying as positive as i can and am treating this as most of "us" would...."if somethings broke, we'll just fix it"....Linda knows how i feel about her, but when i showed her the response here it made a big impact. The fact that so many strangers to her would take their time to offer prayers and support was very touching to her. I think she's understanding now why i spend so much time We also know that many of you have various issues to deal with too, so our thoughts and prayers go right back to you.

Rick & Linda
UPDATE: Linda & I met with the surgeon today after she had her breathing test. She scored a 93 which impressed the surgeon. He feels confident about the end result from surgery and speculated that her breathing should be about 81 after removal of the upper right lobe. A acceptable number is 40, so that sounds great. This all depends if nothing else is found during the procedure, but at this point i'm happy about what we're hearing. If everything goes as well as expected, there's a good possibility that no chemo or radiation will be required afterwards, just a 4 to 6 week period to get the most function back to breathing, energy levels and pain from the ribs. The surgery is scheduled for Wed. Jan 9. so we have time to process it all and comfort the kids and family that the outcome will be positive. We both are very comforted that the FABO family has our back with your thoughts and prayers. If anything changes i will let you guys know.

Thank you so much, Rick & Linda
It is a very good sign when a doctor is confident. Stay strong, prayers sent!
the update was very encouraging. Your whole family is in my prayers as well as the Drs and caregivers working on this. Best of luck for a speedy recovery, Joe
Glad to hear some positive news.I just read this whole thread,Sorry never saw it before...
Prayer just sent for you and Linda.
My friend Jake is battling Cancer at this time and my friend tim's dad just had his left lung removed to cancer.It is amazing at the advances they have made in Lung cancer.
Stay strong and Keep the Faith,
PS Time to quit smoking !!!!
30 days smoke free for me and now you know why.
Thanks Keith, David and Joe....

Thank you too Martin. Congrats on your progress. She just about has it whipped:thumblef:. Me on the other hand, well, it's a work in progress. Also, sorry i missed sending your x-mas greeting. Hope is was a good one.
Thanks for the update Rick, sounds like there is lots of positive in your message. All the best to you, Linda and the rest of the family!
My father has lung and brain cancer... Hate the big C. Praying your wife beats the heck out of it. Prayers sent for your wife, you, the family and the doctors treating her.
Hey, bud.

You know I'm here for you - the both of you. You need to call, call.

Someone here posted up, "stay strong." And that's true. Stay strong, Rick. But don't be afraid to get away and let yourself crack, either. It's something I wish I would have done more of in hindsight, but my make-up wouldn't let me. Tears of anger, tears of pain, tears of frustration, tears of joy, tears of relief, can help give you the strength you need to help her through this.

I know you said you're a private person, but you need friends with this. Friends to just BS with and draw your mind away from things, who might offer some guidance, friends you can lean on. Don't be afraid to reach out.

Use this thread like I used mine, too, Rick. Write it out. Get it out there.

You told me that my thread here, updated throughout the summer, brought a connection to Sarah and I - two strangers - and for every celebration and joy we had with each new step along the way you celebrated, too. Don't be afraid to do the same and let someone else form that connection with you and Linda.

Heavenly Father, this thread was started by a man who's heart is struggling now to find balance. Balance to know that this disease kills so many, but tempered by the hope of medical science that has progressed to the point that this disease can be beaten.

Father, we come to you now in prayer to lift up Rick and Linda, to hold them and comfort them, to give them the strength they need. They will face trials and joys throughout the process, Father, and we ask that You be with them every step of the way.

Father, we know the ultimate healing lies in You. A healing of the body, a healing of the mind, a healing of the soul. We ask that, now, You bring that healing. Calm them, Father, give them Your resolve, Your courage, and Your peace.

Be with the medical staff, Father, and lend them wisdom and guidance. Help them along the way to offer the proper medical advice and to give make the proper decisions.

We ask this Jesus' name. Amen.

Rick, just one of many prayers heading your's and Linda's way. There's many more coming.

Keep us in the loop, bud.
