Son of a BI*CH!!!!! I'd Swear Mother Nature Has It Out For Me ........

Wow, now I see what you were talking about.

I also see Gods hand at work, that tree could have ruined the building or ruined the storage trailer, and I don't even want to think what could have happened to you.

It's times like this I wish I was not so far away, a couple of extra hands are always handy.

I have a friend in your neck of the woods, I'll give him a call and see if he can help in any way.

When you said on the phone that you were checking the oven,
I thought you were cooking cornbread.

Not somebodies valve covers.


Ya'll are in my prayers, if there is anyway I can help let me know.

..................WOW, im glad u guys r ok......ur shop took a beating.......ur having some nasty weather
So, little anecdote to share: A few years ago, my buddy and I were sitting on my back patio having some beers. It was around midnight and we'd been out there a while (if you know what I mean). We kept hearing a noise that we couldn't place, but having had a few adult beverages already we couldn't be bothered to investigate. I stood up to refresh our drinks, walked into the house (about 10 feet away) across the kitchen (another 5 feet) grabbed two long necks out of the fridge and went back outside. I'd say I was out of my chair a whole 20 seconds or so. When I came back out, the hair on the back of my neck stood up and I just yelled at my friend to run. as he was clearing the edge of the patio, a huge tree in my back yard came crashing down and a branch landed right in the center of my chair folding it in half, knocked his chair clean across the patio. Our lives were literally saved by our empty beer bottles. At the time, that's all I could think about. I was a nervous wreck.

Here's the funny part. When I was taking pictures of the mess the next day, I took some shots of my motorcycle and my webber grill. This giant half of a tree came down and one branch went on the left side of my motorcycle and another went on the right. The It didn't even scratch the paint on the tank. All it did was knock my mirrors out of whack. My grill got moved a few feet and was otherwise undamaged.

Here it is years later and when I tell the story, I normally don't even think about the fact that 6" limb came down right where my head had been. I tell the story about the tree that fell on my bike and didn't even scratch the paint. I'm sure that once all the dust settles, you'll mostly forget about the danger you were in and you'll be sharing those pictures and telling stories about the day your storage trailer and shop were spared.

I don't recon I'm near enough to be of any use, but I'll keep an eye out for your posts in case there's anything I can do to help. Glad to hear everyone down there is OK.
11:30 and finally a chance to sit down! Thanks to Sonic Drive In for staying open late and doing the cooking tonight ... I couldn't muster it.

Snapped a few more pics this afternoon while the 8-man clean up crew was here, half of them bearing chain saws. After its workout today, the camera batteries were depleted by the time the tree was a skeleton and off the building and storage trailer.

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The growing brush piles

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It started raining a little again after the crew left. After we ate, Billy and I went back out to the shop tonight. We moved everything from his side to minimize further damage, and he drilled some self-tappers into what's left of the roof sheeting to button it up a little bit in the meantime.

One of the guys told me earlier he heard it was a F2 tornado and a couple others mentioned 90 mph winds. Either way, it sure did a number on my shop.

And I stretch a bit and see 19 messages flashing on my machine ............. :-D Sorry, but I'll have to get back to ya'll tomorrow. It's been absolutely one helluva night and day, my 3 1/2 hours of sleep has dun wore off [Tennessee accent there lol], I'm beat and heading for the shower.

Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts guys and gals! Hopefully it won't be too long before everything's repaired and back to normal around here.
Geez sorry to hear and see your close call Leanna, glad nobody was hurt. The weather's gone for **** in a hand basket all over the country, what's next locus or fireballs from the sky. On the lighter side it looks like you've got some great firewood for next winter which in this country might be next month.
Sorry for the scare and damage to facilities and contents. Regardless, the sun comes up every morning. I'm most happy you're going to be around to see at least a few more without a scratch on you. Best wishes on the recovery process.
Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts everyone. It's a relief to know people care in this day and age.

Back later when I can. Thanks again gang! Love ya all muahhhhhhhhhhhh :love4: :love4: :love4: :love4: :love4:

I am so sorry to see what Mother Nature has thrown on you again...dang disgust. Glad to see that you guys are safe and getting the chain saw team on board :axe:

Sending prayers your way and love ya too!! :love4::love4: :angel7:
Glad you made it thru with just minimal damage and more importantly that no one was hurt! I have a relative who just had her greenhouse business wiped out in a flood in MD. Mother Nature can be such a cruel wench. Glad I live where I do.....seems like we miss the majority of really bad weather.
Yeah, it could have been worse but .... dammit!

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Look how out of kilter that beam is now ...

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This is our 53' storage trailer. It's what we used to move to Tennessee from south Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina and still has 3 pallets of Billy's parents' belongings in it and car parts.

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This is as far as the door will open at the moment.

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Shot of the south woods ... a few defying gravity still but probably not for long.

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Talk about a flashback ........

My nerves are shot right now.

Seeing all of this in the daylight has made me realize how very lucky I was that the uprooted tree dropped exactly in between the storage trailer and the building I was in. After getting a good look at that overhead steel support beam, I might not be sitting here typing if that baby had headed a few more feet to the north.
Sure glad you got through it unhurt. Next time do like I do and head for the basement when a bad storm is coming. We can't afford to lose you!
Ya got lucky Leanna. You'll have to pull your policy and see if it covers your out buildings and weigh the damages against your deductible. It might be worth filing a claim. Keep us informed. In a situation like this your Ins. Agent is your friend, they're the one who makes money every year when you re-new. Holler me up if you have policy coverage questions (I'm an insurance adjuster).

Holy Crap! I'm so sorry to see this happen. Like others said that tree did land in the best possible place and no one was hurt, Thank God.

If I were closer I'd have been there with comealongs and a couple of chain saws. Hopefully the insurance company can make you whole again.
OK show'n'tell is over. Now get back to work on my damn valve covers! :poke:

Looks like a city work crew. One guy is workin' while the other 7 are watchin'. :toothy7:

The only thing worse than a Tornado/Hurricane/Sunami is a pissed off redhead. :angryfir: :angry4: :angry4: Uh oh. Now you've done it Ollie. Run for your lives people! :violent1: :boxing: :blob6: :axe:

What? Too early for some sarcastic Canadian humour? :dontknow: :poke: :tongue1:

Wylde1. :love4:
Sure glad you got through it unhurt. Next time do like I do and head for the basement when a bad storm is coming. We can't afford to lose you!

We are a blest bunch here at FABO to have her and Billy with us D Dodge.
I am so glad to see them moving forward :love4:
The way I see it some one was looking out for them, she does so much helpful things for many people that needs help.

I must say this Leanna = God love's you and you have been tested many times and more then most by Mother nature :angel7:
Glad y'all are ok.
Life does have some unusual turns,right now I am upside down on my move.
Hang in there,better times are ahead...
Just saw this and really glad you are ok. Sometimes I think mother nature likes to keep us humble. AS long as the adjuster takes good care of you there may be a bright side to this. Look at all the bbq wood and firewood youre gonna have for next winter.That oak is great for the pit and fireplace. Again, just glad you are ok. Everything else is replaceable or repairable. DD
Main thing is that nobody was hurt.But that doesn't make the rest of it any better.Sorry for all your problems with mother nature Leanna.Makes our complaints about blizzards sound a little feable.You're a tough little cookie girl,hang in there we're here for ya if you need anything.
Thanks guys! Spent the day packing up finished jobs and trying to keep my head on work instead of that other crap. It'll work itself out in due course ... and if not, Billy The Enforcer will just go kick somebody's ***. :-D
Hi Leanna, thank God you're ok! It was good talking to you last week, what a week you had! Good luck with the Insurance company. I'm sure they'll come through for you. I thought this winter was bad here, no way would I move south!!!!! You guys have some serious weather!
glad you weren't hurt as structures can be repaired and/or replaced but do yourself a favor... CUT the trees DOWN around da' shop!!!:blob6:
Just saw this now.. Leanna, so sorry to hear about the damage.. I have to agree with what some others have said.. buildings can be replaced, people... not so much.. I am so glad to hear that you and your family are ok and unhurt.. I'll be keepin ya in my thoughts and prayers..
I see a fortune in selling commemorative Tennessee Oak Shards. Use it as a key fob, door stop or vampire stake........