Sons SRT-4 totaled !



Well-Known Member
May 31, 2004
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Balt. Md. USA
Bad day yesterday for my wife and I as parents. To make a long story short my 17 year old Tim and his friend were coming home from the beach (Ocean City) early Wednsday morning as they had to both get to work that day. On RT 50 near 404 a deer ran out in front of his SRT-4 and he swirved to miss it and ran off the shoulder and hit the guardrail. It did not do to much damage but it pushed the fender into the tire and he could not drive it. It was 3.30 AM and he called us and my wife got the phone. I asked if the car was off the road and they said yes. Well this is about 60 miles from my house. I said to hang on as I was on my way so they said they will wait in the car as its to far to walk anywhere in the pitch black. The wife and I were out the door in 10 minutes and rolling down the road. As we were crossing the Chesapeak bay bridge which is about 45 miles they called again and said a truck had hit them while they were parked and my wife was in a panic. I was allready running 75 mph and I pushed the Caravan to 80. We got there at 5 AM and it was 4 police cars and 3 ambulances. The guy in the tractor trailer stopped after he hit the car with them in it and told the trooper he had drifted off the road and then swirved back on the road but his trailer jack nifed some and hit Tims car. Its a mess as it looks totaled. Tim was with the paramedics as they told us not to move him because he said his neck and head hurt and he was in shock !! It hit his side and he had fallen asleep in the car while waiting. His freind was more coherent and said after the truck hit him Tim was in shock and not moving so he pulled him out the pass door. They flew tim by helocopter to the Trauma center in Salisbary Md because they thought he had head or kneck injury. Bottom line was he checked out OK and was released around 10 AM. His friend was also checked at the hospital and released. All I can tell you is I dont give a damn about the car but I love my kids and I pray I never get a scare like that again ! I thank god they are both ok and the truck driver was very upset about it as I know he did not mean for it to happen. His SRT-4 is history but he lives and I am so glad someone up there was watching out for him. He is very sore but he will be fine. Ron
I am very happy for you and that your son and friend are both all right. I'm sure he is very sore now, if he feels anymore pain then what the docs told you he would have make sure he goes to the hospital for more tests (I know you know that but if he is anything like me you will have to pry it out of him).

Gave my parents a scare like that one day. I was in a Sentra a fullsize 85 chevy silverado 2500 went of center and hit me head on, we were both traveling around 50 mph. A friend of mine did some math with veh. weights and speed etc. and said it was an equivolent of me getting shot out of an cannon straight into a brick wall at like 70+mph. Anyway, I happened to be sent to the regular ER instead of trauma and waited over 3.5 hrs just to get the stiches I needed got fed up and left. Next day had to go back to the hospital found out I had 3 fractured vertabrae in my lower back, suffered a concussion, and dislocated my patella( or whatever that is called). Long story short he could have injuries that were not first detected better safe than sorry.
there will always be more cars, good thing your sons ok though....i know how the scare is, my bro got in a motorcycle accident when a car turned lanes into him, his Yamaha R1 was totalled, and he had some road rash and needed surgery, but is ok now...but ill never forget the call...this was about 2 years ago, and full recovery was about a year... its good to know someone is looking after us.
I was kinda touched that their was at least a happy ending and they are ok. I'm going to be a dad for the first time any day now, I can't even imagine going through those kind of scares like you just went through. Being my kid, I'm sure I will!
Same here Ron, I'm glad the kids are OK. This sounds like a true definition of the word "accident". In this day & age of so many controllable actions that could have caused this you & your family are truely lucky.

When I was 17 I wrapped a `67 Polara around a telephone pole due to my own stupidity. I'm so thankful that my girlfriend at the time and myself escaped unscathed. But boy, did I learn a lesson.
Wow, that some scary stuff. Lucky for the boys though (and you ). Bottom line is a car is just a piece of steel and plastic. Easy to replace, can't replace loved ones. When something like that happens , it puts things back into perspective don't it. Dave.

Cars can be replaced, lives can not. I am glad they are ok. But on a positive note, atleast the Truck driver will have insureance since im sure the deer did not.
Thanks for the kind replies. Yep the car is a car and can be replaced but I love my kids more then anything as I am sure all parents do. Here is a pic or two of the car. Ron

Jeepers... from the looks of that car it's a miracle they weren't killed. I'm glad they are okay!
Thank GOD they are around to talk about it. Hope all are feeling better.
WOW he's really lucky he walked away from that one!!! I'm glad they're both ok.
Is your heart rate back to normal yet 383man?? Being a parent myself, those pics were hard to look at knowing there were two teens in the car.
So is it time to get him a muscle car?
good to hear the kids are ok.... thats hte one thing i am worried about when my oldsest starts driving. but hes gonna be behind 43 yr old steel when he starts driving so....... hes got a tank :D
Thanks for the kind replies. I guess my heart rate has finally slowed down to normal. It was funny as I told the wife I was so sore feeling the next day you would have thought I was in the car. But I have ben fighting very bad authritas. I think just the mental stress really had me worked up. I feel like throwing a party today to celabrate that both boys are ok ! Ron
Sorry to hear that Ron....that probably happened 15-20 minutes from my house. Thanks God he's alright, the car can always be replaced!:(
Incredible pictures! Glad everyone is OK! Mine will be driving in a few years and can't imagine her out driving around! I get the chills just thinking about it!

Again, glad everyone ok...
thank god the kids are ok by the looks of the car they are lucky
On the other hand the car looks like it need a lot of help :D
WHEW.... I cant believe it! Again, Thank GOD they are allright - I am SOOOOO Glad this story's ending is happy!

Puts things into perspective! thats for sure.
Glad to here everyone is alright. You never know what to expect when
your broke down on the side of the road. Should you stay in the car
or outside the car, its a tough decision, my truck was rear-ended after
I got out and started walking up the road. Again, glad everyone is well!!!!