sorry had to tell you guys.!



Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
Reaction score
Eureka,Ca Humboldt
so me and my lady went to the casino and we were smoking a cigg before going in. all of a sudden we see cars start shaking back and forth and beth(my valiant) started shaking i pulled the e brake so if i got knocked out of park it wouldnt roll. if anyone has seen the movie 2012 thats whjat it felt like it was kinda cool tho it lasts longer when ur in the middle of it.

it was a good test for those new shocks she didnt really shake hard other where hella hard i thought this 70's tradesman200 with a camper top was gonna topple over!

final results it was a 6.5 earthqauke and it lasted for a total of 1minute
I heard about the 6.5 earthquake on the news tonight. I am happy to hear that you, the wife, and your ride survived.

Be safe, 63VALIANT*KISS! 8)
