Soul, blues, country, rock... all mixed...



Superior Member
Apr 5, 2006
Reaction score
Meridian, Idaho
the bassist and drummer are friends of mine... they have a pretty cool band going on.. I figured a lot of you might like it. The video isnt that much, but the song is pretty kickin. Enjoy


[ame=""]YouTube - audio moonshine[/ame]
I like it. Kinda sounds like that old tune "Can't ya see".:thumrigh:
Umm that would be one of the best bands of all time with a very tragic history Marshall Tucker Band...

Yep these guys are very good do they have an cd's available????
And they Drink PBR how cool is that???
Thank you for sharing that very cool song with use this morning RPM :happy2:
I give it a 5 stare review for sure :thumrigh:
I learned to dance and sing back in the day while playing the drums and I still stay out and drink all night about 1 time every other month :glasses2:
Very well thought out song the guys did, They seem to have a great stage presents :color:
Thank you for sharing that very cool song with use this morning RPM :happy2:
I give it a 5 stare review for sure :thumrigh:
I learned to dance and sing back in the day while playing the drums and I still stay out and drink all night about 1 time every other month :glasses2:
Very well thought out song the guys did, They seem to have a great stage presents :color:

Wow! you can stay out and drink all night? Even once every 2 months?
If i have more than 6 beers the zippity is gone from my doodah if you know what i mean.
Then i pay for it for 2 days.
Memike, you da man at your age. :thumrigh:
Good music though!
Wow! you can stay out and drink all night? Even once every 2 months?
If i have more than 6 beers the zippity is gone from my doodah if you know what i mean.
Then i pay for it for 2 days.
Memike, you da man at your age. :thumrigh:
Good music though!
If I have a night out with the young guns it's easy to sip slowly and enjoy watching things get fun after midnight :color:
A big dish of spaghetti before the night starts and after every 5th frosted mug a shot of Tequila wakes me up and takes me away from a sluggish beer buzz :color:, Then it seems like time flies buy enjoying attention and fellowship I am blest with :hello1::hello1:, My last all night'er was around a camp fire here on the hill with my brother and cousin talking about the old day's and before we new it it was 4:30 am.
But like you said it takes a couple days of rest and good food to get back to myself again. Thank you Dartnut :thumrigh:, I guess I am young at hart and it's time to have a child hood and get all I can at this time :color:
Good music makes the night fly by :hello1:
They do have a cd and downloads. I will see if can can get directions as to where to get them.

They do have a cd and downloads. I will see if can can get directions as to where to get them.

That would be cool RPM, I bet they have some great songs out there and you would be helping them by posting a link for all us that support live music :thumrigh:
the bassist and drummer are friends of mine... they have a pretty cool band going on.. I figured a lot of you might like it. The video isnt that much, but the song is pretty kickin. Enjoy


Thx!! for the post...
goood tune, I'd spend bucks to see um live :smile:.

I just saw them again this last weekend. I can tell ya these guys have all played music for years and years...lots of talent. Checking on downloads and cds info still....

heres another

[ame=""]YouTube - Audio Moonshine[/ame]
