Platinum, unless "they are lying" should give you superior electrode life.
Plugs have experimentally, and somewhat successfully, been made of "all sorts" of materials over the years............some was good and some was just BS. Some designs with multiple electrodes are BS in my book. You have to ask yourself, "if this design" is so good, why aren't ALL plug makers doing so?
One story concerns the 60's I guess when "someone discovered" that sometimes putting a GAP in series with the spark actually makes it "more intense." Champion plugs came out with their "booster gap" plugs
and AC/ Delco came out with a SHORTER rotor for the popular GM V8 distributors which pretty much made the Champion plugs irrelevant.
You could also buy "add on" boosters that went into the center of the coil tower,
I guess what I'm trying to get at is, there's been all kinds of "doo dads" over the years, some not so "helpful."
At least one was the infamous "J.C. Whitney" (Warshosky) "Lifetime fire injectors"
The latest I'm aware of is these "E3" things, and frankly........