Speaking of the Exorcist ...



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
Last night about 2:00 AM my bed turned upside down. Let me explain:

Woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. I sat up in bed to put on my bedroom slippers. However, as soon as a sat up, the room went topsy turvy. I mean it felt like the entire room just rotated 180 degrees to the upside down position. You know, like the ceiling was now the floor and the floor was now the ceiling. I was scared shitless, so I laid back down on the bed and closed my eyes.

I waited less than a minute, and when things seemed to return to normal I sat up for a second time, and then a third time, and maybe a couple of other times (I lost count in the confusion). Each time I sat up, the room turned upside down on me again. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, never experienced anything so freaky before.

I kept trying until I finally was able to sit up from a supine position on the edge of the bed, put on my slippers, and go to the bathroom.

I took off a couple of layers of clothes I had worn to bed (sweatshirt and extra t-shirt) and went back to bed. This morning I felt dizzy just a teeny-weeny bit but was able to go about my business. I hope this is the last time I feel possessed.

I had that when i had a sinus infection scary as hell especially when you are walking.
Hooked up the battery and turned the parking lights on for the first time the car was energized since 1984 and took a pic. Looks like I scared a ghost out.

Update: The dizzy spell I suffered when this thread began January of 2020 diminished over time and then things were back to normal (But it took a matter of days, maybe weeks, don't remember the time frame now).

Now it's January 2021 and a few days ago to dizzy spell returned when I stood up going from the bed to the bathroom. Every day it seems to diminish some, but so far it has stayed with me. Funny thing is, with all the sinus congestion I have most days, my sinuses lately have never been clearer. The source of the vertigo remains a mystery.
I went to bed one night and woke up very early in the morning to a leg cramp. If you've had one in the middle of the night you know how bad they hurt and cramp you up so badly you want to yell out to the good lord. You also know the only way to get uncramped or stop it before it ties you up in a ball is to jump out of bed and put all your weight on that leg to straighten that sucker out. Well...I bounced out bed so fast that I woke up a minute later.....on the floor....on my face and belly...right where I'd passed out from the lack of blood pressure to my brain. It's not the first time it's happened throughout my life but this was definately the worst fall. Lucky I didn't hit anything but floor on the way down. Bruised my face all up and my wife went all crazy for a bit but it could have been lots worse. The moral is...don't jump out of bed like a scalded cat anymore. The results are flooring...lol.
I wish my problem was rising too fast, but it must be inner ear problem in this case because I experience it all day long to some degree or another (depending how much I tilt my head [even sitting] or how fast I walk).
I think I'd be hauling my butt to the doctor, that's not normal. If you can't get straight answers, get a second opinion. It may be more serious than you think.
I wish my problem was rising too fast, but it must be inner ear problem in this case because I experience it all day long to some degree or another (depending how much I tilt my head [even sitting] or how fast I walk).
It may be Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) | Michigan Medicine

I had a case of it earlier this year and was able to manage and correct it by doing the recommended Epley Maneuver. It really helped.

Home Epley Maneuver