Speedo Cable Leak (Housing)



Some old guy...
FABO Gold Member
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
North Las Vegas NV
I've been having this phantom leak on my 4 speed since I got the car going again.

The other day I Found out it is the speedometer cable. Its leaking from around the inside of the crimp on the cable side.

Can I solder this crimp to seal it? Anyone ever done this? Or do I have to replace the full speedometer cable housing?
Well, I found there is an inner seal in the housing that is shot. Would anyone have the part number for the seal?
The only success I've had at sealing those early speedo cables (and shift cables) is to use the tool handle rubber dip stuff. You have to clean the housing REAL good. Coat the housing from the flange on the gear end up to above the transmission at the minimum. Sometimes it takes a couple of coats. I've seen the handle dip kits at Harbor Freight.
Someone suggested using the dip and the shrink tubing on the 62-65 list. Was also looking at that as an option. I have a couple feet of it shrink tubing, but no can's of the dip. Necessity may be the shrinkwrapped route.