spool weight difference

No, what we meant was: do I have to remove the ring gear to slip a lock-rite into an open Ford nine inch carrier. My buddy would surely have known......
If I have to pull it all apart for a lock-rite, I might as well pit a spool in it......
I am almost 100% certain no ring gear removal required. It's all gear dependent. If the ring gear is pretty thick (a low gear set like a 4.10) it MIGHT have to come off. But that's no big deal. All you'd have to do is reset the backlash. A drunk blind man on drugs can do that. No offense to drunk blind men on drugs.
Probably due to the last 23 posts ....
That's probably why I drive with slicks on (yes even on the street). I don't have those problems because the sides flex. But if your running with hard *** tires it going to happen and posi's are just as bad on wet surfaces and I've had my share with them.
The reference to the 'Lock Rite'. Is that the PowerTrax unit made by Richmond? Thanks.
The reference to the 'Lock Rite'. Is that the PowerTrax unit made by Richmond? Thanks.
I believe it is. The cross shaft wouldn't come out of my 489 case 3.23 without removing the R&P and I was kinda bummed.
From their website:
NOTE: This is a brief description of the installation instructions and is not to be used for actual assembly. A detailed owners and installation manual come with every Lock-Right kit. Vehicles that have low gear ratio’s (numerically high) can often require a more extensive installation because of the ring gear thickness.

Full site:
Lock Right Locker - PowerTrax