Once again here is my thoughts.
We have all seen the hand written check sheet saying "Purple Road Runner horn" This is generally a good indication that this was something they did back in the day. My problem is on 1968 Road Runners the "meep meep" horn was painted black. True that the BOs were very late in the year but it still makes me wonder.
Yes, I´m bound to agree. I have been digging all week, and very surprisingly on one seem to know of a ´68 RR with a purple horn, or if there ever was one.
Another thing... we say late Road Runner might have one. What does late mean? First run of BO,s was ready in the middle or 18:th of Februari. I would guess late RR,s was delivered in April-Maj, June even? I don´t know...
I think, with the great succés Chrysler had with the Road Runner, they were well on their way with the ´69 model, and the purple horn was all ready in their paper work, but not on the shelf... so maybe that is how the Guys in the Hemi A-Body Program got to know about it, and figured it would bee cool with this purple horn thing
Ill go with black horn...
I was thinking of cutting the trunk battery support plat, but I have seen two slightly different. In the SS Guide is a picture of an original plate. Probably from a Dart. I figured the one with the notch in the rear right corner, you now can get, was later done by Hurst to be able to move the battery further back, and to the right. Or maybe it was done to all the BO,s, because of the tight fit in the trunk of the Barracuda, and the plate hitting the jack stand support bracket. Later when you could order a Trunk Battery Kit through DC in 1973 I think it was, I think they all had the notch. Second picture from Kramer A.S.
Well another question mark...
Would be nice to see one original battery support plate from a Fastback...