Standards of beauty certainly are ephemeral


Bill Crowell

Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2007
Reaction score
Diamond Springs, CA
Here's a picture of the Dodge Brothers breaking ground for their new factory in, I think, 1910. Look at those tummies! I am told that people back then thought a fat stomach was attractive because it showed that the person had plenty to eat and was therefore financially successful. I have heard that husbands wanted their wives to have big tummies, too, for the same reason.

If pot bellies were fashionable today, I would probably be a major chick magnet!

DBs breaking ground.jpg
The overpaid desk jocks and bosses have always been fat. You go find some old photos of young folks having fun. Drag race, road race, you name it. The ratio was WAY WAY lower than today.

I did not spend much time searching........

Once Upon a Time in Drag Racing






Out of my HS class of I've forgotten, 125-145 or so, there were maybe 3 girls that I'd call "overweight." I didn't look at "boys" but there weren't many of them, either

This was me, circa 1968--1970
1968 on a 120' tower


Spring of 70, headed for NAS Miramar, San Diego. "Trunk" antenna is an 80 watt 2 meters VHF GE "transistorized Progress Line" otherwise known as "Toilet Paper Line" (TPL)

I went to the most affluent high school in Fresno back in the dark ages. Very few of my peers were overweight. Some of us could have been described as lightweights, though...I've got a little extra now, but not as bad as my brother and some old friends of mine.
In my workin years from say, mid 70's up through late 90's I was 170-175. In the last 3 years with my ribs (and some other problems) I've banged on the 200 door a bit, but now I'm back down 179. That photo I posted by my 63 SS which was in spring of 70 I weighed more like 155 LOLOL