Stanley Cup !

Euro cup soccer in the background as I type this, hockey is SO MUCH BETTER and faster than the "most beautiful sport" (soccer announcer quote, I disagree).
Just waiting for the baseball game to start.
My ex-wife went to college with a lady named Anita Dick. I called BS on it, so she showed me a yearbook, and sure enough: Annette (Aka, Anita) Dick!
The librarian at my elementary school was named Linda Head. Her husband’s name was Richard. Yep, his name was Dick Head!
The librarian at my elementary school was named Linda Head. Her husband’s name was Richard. Yep, his name was Dick Head!
When I first started-out in the HVAC industry I worked with a guy named Chuck. He was the owner's son, and his name was Gary Brown.

I must be a little slow, as it took me about 6 months to realize I was working with Charlie Brown!