Starter issue



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2009
Reaction score
san Jose Ca
This isn't really an electrical problem more of a starter problem .. ... I recently pulled motor out of my car . Fixed a couple of leaks and put new headers in .. I'm using a mini starter for a later model dodge truck . 91 Dakota or something.. Anyways when I go to start it. It sounds like the starter teeth are grazing the teeth on my fly wheel like its not fully engaging . Now This starter worked perfectly fine before I pulled it and now it's doing this. Any supggestions on what to do ?? Thanks also using a Lakewood bell if that matters
We don't even have an idea what engine you have in your car. Was the "mini-starter" for a V-8 Magnum engine (or the rare V-6 Magnum)? If not, it isn't correct. Some of the V-6 starters look similar but don't fit. Compare yours to ebay photos.
We don't even have an idea what engine you have in your car. Was the "mini-starter" for a V-8 Magnum engine (or the rare V-6 Magnum)? If not, it isn't correct. Some of the V-6 starters look similar but don't fit. Compare yours to ebay photos.

Sorry small block 410 . Starter is for a v8 . It worked fine before I thought maybe I installed it at worng so I pulled it out and put it back in and same problem.
So, nothing changed other then installing some gaskets and some new headers? Was the engine separated from the trans or were they kept together?

Either the starter is binding on something and not sitting flush, or something inside the starter broke. Go get another one from the parts store and try it. If it's still doing the same thing, return the starter.

I've got a starter from a 91 Dakota V6 on a 400 BB. It fits fine.
The factory bellhousings and automatics have a pilot diameter that the nose of the starter fits into. This supports the starter and ensures correct alignment. The aftermarket scattershield / bellhousings that I have seen do not have this feature, and do not offer the best starter support. Were you using a different bellhousing before, did you have the mini starter in before?

It sounds like one of 2 things - either the starter isn't throwing out its gear all the way, deep enough to engage in the flywheel , or it is not aligned properly. If it is aligned to "deep" the starter gear will not be able to engage properly and will hang up on the flywheel. If it is too "shallow" it will just graze the top of the flywheel teeth.

Did you change the bolts holding the starter in (perhaps they are threadbound allowing the starter to move and not engage?), or change the way it is mounted at all? I would suggest loosening off the starter bolts and see if you can move the starter at all, and then try tightening it up in a different position.

My 2 cents
So, nothing changed other then installing some gaskets and some new headers? Was the engine separated from the trans or were they kept together?

Either the starter is binding on something and not sitting flush, or something inside the starter broke. Go get another one from the parts store and try it. If it's still doing the same thing, return the starter.

I've got a starter from a 91 Dakota V6 on a 400 BB. It fits fine.

Only thing that has changed is headers and starter clears headers I'm thinking its not kicking out far enough may just buy another and double check .. What year had the smallest starter?? Engine and trans were separated . But everything else is exactly the same as before