Starting a new job tomorrow



Gratis persona
Apr 27, 2009
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Prattsburgh, NY
As some of you know, back in December, Karli and I elected that I would be the stay at home parent. Circumstances definitely change. Karli got fired from her job about a month ago and since then, we've kinda rock, paper, scissored, to see which one of us went back to work.

I got the offer that fit the best before she did, so...

Starting tomorrow I'm going back into building rail cars for a different manufacturer. This one is Alstom USA, French owned, who just landed a big, historic contract for themselves by building the new high speed rail passenger cars for Amtrak.

This time, though, instead of being in assembly I'll be in the paint shop. When I last built rail cars I was lead production for the assembly of interiors on B-car for the Houston project. I went in in time to finish up the first prototype and assembled C-car in the second prototype, taking over lead when the cars went into production, overseeing B-cars 3-7 before I left.

Truthfully, that's one of the reasons I was hired at Alstom, because I understand the production stage and trained a lot of the guys who were production assembly. My painter's skills and background were just icing on the cake.

Eventually - hopefully - I'll be taking over second shift as production supervisor, which will mean a huge pay increase.

As I've told Karli during these lean times, "God has provided for us up 'til now. Why shouldn't I trust Him to continue to do so?"
Congratulations, Robert. Sounds like keeping faith and making the effort has led to a good arrangement for your family. Just my opinion but I think when possible it's a better dynamic for youngsters to have Mom stay at home.
Amen Brother! Congrats! Sounds like a great job to start with the possibility of a fairly quick promotion.

As I've told Karli during these lean times, "God has provided for us up 'til now. Why shouldn't I trust Him to continue to do so?"
This is awesome news Robert, hoping for the best as you take on a sweet new job!! Congrats!
Congrats man I hope it works out well.
Robert! Congrats! Best of luck! (Not that you'll need it with your skill set and experience!)
every tunnel has a light at the end.. really glad to hear you have navigated through the tunnel and come out the other end.. congrats!!
~good thing I read all of the post - when you said rail cars I was thinking NHRA top fuel LOL
Thanks for well wishes all.

After being a stay at home dad for the past five months it will definitely be an adjustment getting up early and heading out the door instead of getting up early, getting my coffee in me, and dealing with a toddler for the next 12 plus hours.
Congrates Robert.

Sounds like you'll be running a good portion of that place in no time, and hopefully with a huge *** paycheck to go with it.
Welcome To GE Alstom.
I'm Legacy General Electric.
By the way you are US owned now.
Congrats, and good luck on scoring the 2nd shift supervisor gig!
Good to hear Robert. Hope you like your new job. Funny how things just seem to work out sometimes. Keep a positive mental attitude and anything is possible.