Steel 8 3/4 gasket, which way????



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Ontario Parts Unknown
Ok, so my 8 3/4 is getting closer, but with my slow progress or slow pace, I forgot which way this steel gasket goes?? There is a small lip on it, but does it face out to the end of the axle, or in?? Also the foam gasket goes on 1st then the steel one correct??

DSCF0761 (Medium).JPG

DSCF0762 (Medium).JPG
Anyone help?? does it go in front of the backing plate or behind?? Also the raised or out??
My understanding is that the metal gasket goes between the housing and the backing plate, and the foam gasket goes between the backing plate and the axle flange.

I would think that the metal gasket goes flat against the housing and the bump faces out to the backing plate.

Anyone else?
My understanding is that the metal gasket goes between the housing and the backing plate, and the foam gasket goes between the backing plate and the axle flange.

I would think that the metal gasket goes flat against the housing and the bump faces out to the backing plate.

Anyone else?

Im getting confused surprise for me though!!
1st put on the steel gasket, lip facing out towards backing plate?
2nd put on backing plate
3rd put on foam gasket
4th Have a nice cold beer!!

Is this right?
Thanks guys.... getting ahead of myself, now I gotta s/blast the backing plates....jeez, 1 step fwd 2 steps own damn fault not checking everything out before hand. Thanks again!