Steering column seal, gasket, busing?



Well-Known Member
May 16, 2021
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Oklahoma City
Is there supposed to be something that seals the column inside the engine bay? The fan is blowing hot air up the shaft into the cabin. It looks like there's holes for something to mount, but I'm not sure what that should be.

What car? Don't know of any Mopar that the fan can blow into the steering column.
Looks like an early A that was column shift automatic and changed to cable floor shift. That opening would have been your column shift assembly. I would cut the column end so its even and get or make something like this used on newer columns.



It's for a 64 Barracuda. Oldmanmopar is correct. It was a conversion from standard on the column to a slap shift auto. Thanks all!
So, you took all the manual shift parts out of your column? Not surprising that there is a big air gap in there. Well, the auto column that year has a different column tube that holds a seal at the bottom. With the cut-out on yours, that seal won't do you any good. You'll either need the other column tube, or rig some sort of boot to go over your opening. A tube from a '63-6 A-body without manual 3 speed column linkage should work, except for the '65 models with automatic on the column. A floor shift manual trans tube, or, the '63-4 automatic tube would be the best one to use.