Steering wheel repair started, wish me luck

Looks great Edd :cheers: Time well spent on this wheel :happy1:
My son is preparing a 50 ford pick up for a 460 cruiser and you just gave me an idea for a project :happy1:
A Cardboard 460 short block to mock up his front suspension
I am in need of a project that I can keep myself busy doing something other
then the norm .. Take care and thank you for sharing this thread with us :cheers:
I would do his wheel but he will be putting a new wheel in it..

A Job Well Dun and YOU Dun it
Looks great Edd :cheers: Time well spent on this wheel :happy1:
My son is preparing a 50 ford pick up for a 460 cruiser and you just gave me an idea for a project :happy1:
A Cardboard 460 short block to mock up his front suspension
I am in need of a project that I can keep myself busy doing something other
then the norm .. Take care and thank you for sharing this thread with us :cheers:
I would do his wheel but he will be putting a new wheel in it..

A Job Well Dun and YOU Dun it
Thanks MeMike.............Your always so kind.
Yes Sir, you are correct. Opening up the break into a v shape with a sandpaper grit of at least 40 through 80. This creates a bond that generally will not re seperate. After that you should use a high fill catylized primer. Finish that with 220 then 320 or 400 grit so your top coat will have excellent adhesion as well.