Still no work for me!



Well-Known Member
May 22, 2004
Reaction score
Dalton PA
I thought i would give you guys an update since it's been a while since i mentioned it.
For those of you who don't know or remember i dis-located my shoulder at work back in May doing some serious damage torn ligaments etc. Had surgery in Aug. and as of yesterday my Dr. said it still isn't back to where it should be.
I finished therapy 2 weeks ago but now he is sending me back for 6 more weeks he also gave me a Cortizone shot right in the joint hurt like a F$#&%R!
I might have to go for another MRI to find out what is going on with it and besides all this Workmans comp. calls me today and is giving me attitude about being off for so long and that they might want to send me for retraining to do a different job because quote " You can't be on workman's comp. forever!" No **** lady!
That sucks Kev, Hope it gets better. Does workman's comp ever run out ?
Best of luck with that. Being hurt and not being able to do much sucks to no end.
screw those tightasses, they dont see people just numbers. take advantage of the time off might be a while before it comes around again. heres hoping for a speedy recovery.
I don't know Adam but the way it's going i'll surely find out!

My friend is going though the same deal pretty much. Class A truck driver, Hurt his ankle on the job and cant push in a clutch anymore.
Evilscamp - look into something called prolotherapy. Google it and read about it if you like. It is an unconventional therapy for connective tissue injuries and all though I dont have any personal experience seems pretty interesting none the less.
Evil!! I told you that a shoulder needs allot of recovery time!
For thouse of you that don't know I had shoulder work dune
8 to 10 years ago and had nerve and bone dune.
They grided a new place for my ligament and nerves to lay in.

I have had a few of those bad @ss shots,
Cortizone shot's won't do
any good if he missed his spot.
Do your therapy and do it well!!.
The shoulder is a busy place and even while you sleep it stay's busy.

Hopping for the best for ya.:angel7:
I'd be real reluctant to take any more shots, my brother had some in his shoulder and now his shoulder and back are scared for life to the point he won't go without a shirt. Looks like a very bad burn with bumps and scars.
Chiropractic work has been keeping Things in check for me.
This below I got from a site from prolotherapy that sic71dart talked about.

Generally chronic pain prolotherapy stems from the soft tissue structures of the body, such as ligaments and tendons. It is reasonable, if you have not had a trial of chiropractic manipulation, to give this a try. Vertebral subluxation or improper positioning of the vertebrae can cause pain. Any physician or chiropractor who is skilled in manipulation can provide you relief and this may be a good place to start.

I hope I am not being a pain.
" You can't be on workman's comp. forever!" No **** lady![/SIZE said:

You have 18 months before they can kick you off workman's comp. I even went longer with a back injury. They got sued twice and lost an extra $5000 each time because they stopped payments.
My friends working on a settlement for $40,000. Wrongful termination. Yup, They fired him after he got hurt.
This is what pisses me off, they will work the **** out of you but you get hert making them money and they treat you like you got a dissiese. but here in my town if your an alcholic or drug addict they will cut you a check every month so you can stay home and get f__ked up all day.

there ****.

i wish you the best
Yea, watch out about signing anything that says your all better when your not. When they start talking about training you for another job, it's there way of getting rid of you before you cost them too much money.
Hey Kev,

I start my second round of therapy this morning. My shoulder feels better than it used to, but still not even close to good. It's hard to stay asleep at night. I had the cortizone shot back in late sept. I think I will be getting another after this therapy is done with. I will do everything in my power not to go under the knife.
Hope your feeling better soon!

Sorry to hear about your shoulder problems and related government administrator problems. Word of caution - don't be doing anything with that shoulder that could possibly indicate that you can work with it. You never know who may be checking in with a camera and a long lens. Also, get the best possible medical opininons even if it means medical cost out of your own pocket versus 'their' doctors. Sadly, 'their' doctors opinions are going to lean toward whoever is paying for them. Best of luck for a complete recovery.
You never know who may be checking in with a camera and a long lens. Also, get the best possible medical opininons even if it means medical cost out of your own pocket versus 'their' doctors. Sadly, 'their' doctors opinions are going to lean toward whoever is paying for them. Best of luck for a complete recovery.

I do use it some but not to much though. As far as the dr i am seeing a shoulder specialist who was recommended by one of there drs. so i know he isn't leaning toward them he is actually keeping me on restriction so they can't bring me back until it's healed up.

Thanks for the well wishes guys i appreciate it i'll keep you posted on what happens.
Sorry to hear this Kev. Maybe you need to stop your before bed ritual or switch hands. LOL!!!
Really Kev, it sucks being out of work so long and then to get hassled by Big Brother for following Dr.'s orders. Feel better!!